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When does autoboxing take place exactly?

Consider the following toy method:

public Float testReturnFloat() {
    return 2f;

And the following client code:

float resultOne = testReturnFloat();
Float resultTwo = testReturnFloat();

Do now both calls involve autoboxing, or only the latter, even though Float testReturnFloat() has been used as method signature?

Small note: This question is only for theoretical analysis, I encountered it as I almost put this into production code due to a typo.

like image 725
skiwi Avatar asked May 21 '14 13:05


People also ask

What is Autoboxing and unboxing and when do occurs?

Autoboxing is the automatic conversion that the Java compiler makes between the primitive types and their corresponding object wrapper classes. For example, converting an int to an Integer, a double to a Double, and so on. If the conversion goes the other way, this is called unboxing.

What is the point of Autoboxing?

Autoboxing and unboxing lets developers write cleaner code, making it easier to read. The technique lets us use primitive types and Wrapper class objects interchangeably and we do not need to perform any typecasting explicitly.

When did Java add Autoboxing?

Autoboxing and unboxing are introduced in Java 1.5 to automatically convert the primitive type into boxed primitive( Object or Wrapper class).

Is Autoboxing and boxing same?

Boxing is the mechanism (ie, from int to Integer ); autoboxing is the feature of the compiler by which it generates boxing code for you.

1 Answers

testReturnFloat() itself involves autoboxing because the primitive float 2f is implicitly converted to a Float before it's returned. Now when you write

float resultOne = testReturnFloat();

the result is again unboxed to produce a primitive float which is then assigned to resultOne.

When you write

Float resultTwo = testReturnFloat();

nothing special happens. The Float returned by testReturnFloat() is assigned to resultTwo.

Really the best way to understand this is to look at the bytecode. Here's the bytecode for testReturnFloat():

  public java.lang.Float testReturnFloat();
       0: fconst_2      
       1: invokestatic  #57                 // Method java/lang/Float.valueOf:(F)Ljava/lang/Float;
       4: areturn    

As you can see, Float.valueOf() is invoked on 2f (fconst_2). This is the autoboxing I was talking about.

Now for your client code:

float resultOne = testReturnFloat();


   0: invokestatic  #16                 // Method testReturnFloat:()Ljava/lang/Float;
   3: invokevirtual #20                 // Method java/lang/Float.floatValue:()F
   6: fstore_1 

Notice that unboxing occurs via Float#floatValue().


Float resultTwo = testReturnFloat();


   7: invokestatic  #16                 // Method testReturnFloat:()Ljava/lang/Float;
  10: astore_2 

As I said, nothing special; the return value of testReturnFloat() is just stored in resultTwo.

like image 157
arshajii Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10
