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When do temporaries passed to coroutines get destroyed?

I am confused about the lifetime of temporaries passed to coroutine tasks. Consider this example:

cppcoro::task<> UseObject(Object const& object);

cppcoro::task<> CallUseObject() {
    co_await UseObject(Object()); // is this valid?

If these were functions returning void, then the Object() passed to UseObject would be destroyed at the semi-colon (i.e. after UseObject completes). However, I'm not sure if the same applies for coroutines. Is passing a temporary to a routine by reference safe? When do temporaries get destroyed if it isn't at the semi colon?

Furthermore, as a sanity check, is it always safe to write:

cppcoro::task<> CallUseObject() {
    Object stayingalive;
    co_await UseObject(stayingalive);

since staying_alive is destroyed after co_await finishes?

like image 683
sudo rm -rf slash Avatar asked Mar 28 '19 16:03

sudo rm -rf slash

1 Answers

This is actually subject of an open issue with the current draft. To quote the issue:

The intent is that copies/moves of parameters (if required) are created preserving the exact type (including references, r-references, etc). The wording in 11.4.4[dcl.fct.def.coroutine]/11 does not seem to express that clearly.

Based on that, it would seem that the coroutine frame will capture a reference to the temporary.

Since co_await is an expression, the temporary should get destroyed at the end of the full expression in which it appears. Whether your code above is safe or not will depend on whether the concrete implementation of the two coroutines involved makes it safe to co_await on a call to UseObject with a reference to a temporary. Specifically, note that what co_await does depends on both, the type of the expression it's applied to as well as the promise type of the coroutine it appears in. Additionally, UseObject (which we don't know the definition of) could, at least in principle, do all sorts of weird things with the reference it's given…

like image 127
Michael Kenzel Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 20:11

Michael Kenzel