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When do browsers send application/octet-stream as Content-Type?

I'm developing a file upload with JSF. The application saves three dates about the file:

  • Filename
  • Bytes
  • Content-Type as submitted by the browser.

My problem is that some files are saved with content type = application/octet-stream even if they are *.doc files oder *.pdf.

When does the browser submits such a content type?
I would like to clean up the database so I need to know when the browser information are incorrect.

like image 488
guerda Avatar asked Mar 11 '10 16:03


People also ask

Why content type is application octet-stream?

A MIME attachment with the content type application/octet-stream is a binary file. Typically, it is an application or a document that is opened in an application such as a spreadsheet or word processor. If the attachment has a filename extension associated with it, you may be able to determine what type of file it is.

What is application octet-stream content type?

A MIME attachment with the content type "application/octet-stream" is a binary file. Typically, it will be an application or a document that must be opened in an application, such as a spreadsheet or word processor.

What are octet streams?

The "octet-stream" subtype is used to indicate that a body contains arbitrary binary data. The set of currently defined parameters is: (1) TYPE -- the general type or category of binary data. This is intended as information for the human recipient rather than for any automatic processing.

What is application octet-stream Java?

APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM stands for binary data. It may be more precise by specifing the actual filetype. For images it coud be image/png . If the browser knows the exact filetype it may show the file directly.

1 Answers

Ignore the value sent by the browser. This is indeed dependent on the client platform, browser and configuration used.

If you want full control over content types based on the file extension, then better determine it yourself using ServletContext#getMimeType().

String mimeType = servletContext.getMimeType(filename);

The default mime types are definied in the web.xml of the servletcontainer in question. In for example Tomcat, it's located in /conf/web.xml. You can extend/override it in the webapp's /WEB-INF/web.xml as follows:


You can also determine the mime type based on the actual file content (because the file extension may not per se be accurate, it can be fooled by the client), but this is a lot of work. Consider using a 3rd party library to do all the work. I've found JMimeMagic useful for this. You can use it as follows:

String mimeType = Magic.getMagicMatch(file, false).getMimeType();

Note that it doesn't support all mimetypes as reliable. You can also consider a combination of both approaches. E.g. if the one returns null or application/octet-stream, use the other. Or if both returns a different but "valid" mimetype, prefer the one returned by JMimeMagic.

Oh, I almost forgot to add, in JSF you can obtain the ServletContext as follows:

ServletContext servletContext = (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext();

Or if you happen to use JSF 2.x already, use ExternalContext#getMimeType() instead.

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BalusC Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 07:10
