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When debugging, is there a way to tell if an object is a different instance?

When debugging, I was expecting two different classes to be using the same instance of an object. All of the properties were the same for these two objects, but they were two different instances. Is there a way to tell that in the VS debugger?

In order to tell for sure, I was able to add a field to the class:

private string someId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); 

Then, when debugging, I could at least look at that field for each of the two instances. Is there a better way that wouldn't involve having to create this dummy ID field?

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Bob Horn Avatar asked Mar 22 '13 19:03

Bob Horn

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2 Answers

When debugging, in the Locals window, right-click on the instance and select "Make Object ID".

This will add number that is unique for this instance which is displayed whenever you see this instance in the debugger (in tool-tips as well as in the watch window).

enter image description here

enter image description here

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Wolfgang Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09


Object.Equals Method (Object, Object)

Edit: To check reference equality use ReferenceEquals

Edit 2: While Debugging, Go to debug menu, windows --> immediate window (intellisense should work here) and ?Object.ReferenceEquals(obj1, obj2)

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Aseem Gautam Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Aseem Gautam