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JSON.Net serializer ignoring JsonProperty?





I have the following entity class:

public class FacebookComment : BaseEntity {     [BsonId(IdGenerator = typeof(ObjectIdGenerator))]     [BsonRepresentation(MongoDB.Bson.BsonType.ObjectId)]     [JsonProperty("_id")]     public ObjectId Id { get; set; }      public int? OriginalId { get; set; }     public DateTime Date { get; set; }     public string Message { get; set; }     public string Sentiment { get; set; }     public string Author { get; set; } } 

When this object is serialized to JSON, I want the Id field to be written as "_id":{...}. AFAIK, I should just have to pass the desired propertyname to the JsonProperty attribute; and I should be good to go. However, when I call JsonConvert.SerializeObject; it seems to ignore my attribute and renders this instead:

{     Author: "Author name",     Date: "/Date(1321419600000-0500)/",     DateCreated: "/Date(1323294923176-0500)/",     Id: {         CreationTime: "/Date(0)/",         Increment: 0,         Machine: 0,         Pid: 0,         Timestamp: 0     },     Message: "i like stuff",     OriginalId: null,     Sentiment: "Positive" } 

As you can see, the Id field is being rendered with the wrong field name.

Any ideas? Been working on this issue for an hour; can't figure out why the serializer is seemingly ignoring my JsonProperty.

Any constructive input is greatly appreciated.

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Frank Rosario Avatar asked Dec 07 '11 23:12

Frank Rosario

1 Answers

Short Answer: Make sure all your assemblies are referencing the SAME EXACT JSON.NET DLL. What's probably happening is you are applying [JsonProperty] from one DLL in one assembly, and serializing the object from a different assembly which is looking for a different [JsonProperty] and because the CLR object types are different it is effectively being ignored.

Longer Answer: I just had this problem but fortunately because I had one class that was working with JsonProperty and one that wasn't I was able to do some detective work.

I stripped the non-working class down to the bare minimum and compared it to the working class and couldn't see ANY differences - except for the fact that the non-working class was in a different assembly.

When I moved the class to the other assembly it worked perfectly as it should.

I poked around for a bit trying to look into JSON serialization of namespaces, but that didn't seem to apply so I looked at the references and sure enough I was referencing an old JSONNET3.5 DLL in my entities DLL and the NUGET 4.5 version in my main project file.

This gives me two instances of [JsonProperty] attribute (which is just a regular class) and just because they're named the same doesn't mean the serializer is going to even recognise the attribute.

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Simon_Weaver Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09
