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When can a memory leak occur?

I don't know what to think here...

We have a component that runs as a service. It runs perfectly well on my local machine, but on some other machine (on both machine RAM's are equal to 2GB) it starts to generate bad_alloc exceptions on the second and consecutive days. The thing is that the memory usage of the process stays the same at aproximately 50Mb level. The other weird thing is that by means of tracing messages we have localized the exception to be thrown from a stringstream object which does but insert no more than 1-2 Kb data into the stream. We're using STL-Port if that matters.

Now, when you get a bad_alloc exception, you think it's a memory leak. But all our manual allocations are wrapped into a smart pointer. Also, I can't understand how a stringstream object lacks memory when the whole process uses only ~50Mb (the memory usage stays approximtely constant(and sure doesn't rise) from day to day).

I can't provide you with code, because the project is really big, and the part which throws the exception really does nothing else but create a stringstream and << some data and then log it.

So, my question is... How can a memory leak/bad_alloc occur when the process uses only 50Mb memory out of 2GB ? What other wild guesses do you have as to what could possibly be wrong?

Thanks in advance, I know the question is vague etc., I'm just sort of desperate and I tried my best to explain the problem.

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Armen Tsirunyan Avatar asked Nov 22 '10 14:11

Armen Tsirunyan

People also ask

What is the memory leak and when does it occur?

In computer science, a memory leak is a type of resource leak that occurs when a computer program incorrectly manages memory allocations in a way that memory which is no longer needed is not released. A memory leak may also happen when an object is stored in memory but cannot be accessed by the running code.

How do you know if you have a memory leak?

The system can have a myriad of symptoms that point to a leak, though: decreased performance, a slowdown plus the inability to open additional programs, or it may freeze up completely.

Which action can cause memory leak?

Causes of Memory LeaksUsing Unwanted Object Reference: These are the object references that are no longer needed. The garbage collector is failed to reclaim the memory because another object still refers to that unwanted object. Using Long-live Static Objects: Using static objects also leads to a memory leak.

When can you tell that a memory leak will occur Mcq?

When does a memory leak happen? Explanation: Memory leaks happen when your code needs to consume memory in your application, which should be released after a given task is complete but isn't. Memory leak happens when the browser for some reason doesn't release memory from objects which are not needed any more. 5.

2 Answers

One likely reason within your description is that you try to allocate a block of some unreasonably big size because of an error in your code. Something like this;

 size_t numberOfElements;//uninitialized
 if( .... ) {
    numberOfElements = obtain();
 elements = new Element[numberOfElements];

now if numberOfElements is left uninitialized it can contain some unreasonably big number and so you effectively try to allocate a block of say 3GB which the memory manager refuses to do.

So it can be not that your program is short on memory, but that it tries to allocate more memory than it could possibly be allowed to under even the best condition.

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sharptooth Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10


bad_alloc doesn't necessarily mean there is not enough memory. The allocation functions might also fail because the heap is corrupted. You might have some buffer overrun or code writing into deleted memory, etc.

You could also use Valgrind or one of its Windows replacements to find the leak/overrun.

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kichik Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 16:10
