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What's your bug management process?



What is the lifecycle / process of a bug? Speaking generally, Are there any tips, suggestion process wise that bug fixing should go though?

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user48545 Avatar asked Feb 19 '10 19:02


People also ask

What is a bug process?

Bug tracking is the process of monitoring and streamlining reports of software malfunction or usability issues within a business. A good bug tracking process is consistent and informative for the people involved in fixing the error. There are two main ways bugs in a product are detected.

What is a bug in project management?

Bugs management is the process of reporting and tracking the progress of bugs/defects from. discovery through to resolution. The bug, in general, might be defined as a deviation from. requirements or the abnormal behavior of the software.

What is defect management process?

Defect Management is a method for identifying and resolving defects. The steps of a defect management cycle are as follows: 1) Detection of a Defect, 2) Categorization of Defects 3) Defect Fixing by Developers 4) Testers' verification 5) Repair of the flaw 6) Defect Reports at the Project's End.

2 Answers

A few things beyond the standard Find->Fix->Test-Release cycle:

  • A bug should have multiple assignments, so it can be assigned to one person for fixing, and another person for testing it, instead of being assigned to a single person.

  • Your bug track system must track all history of what was changed.

  • Keep track of what version a bug was found in, was fixed in, was tested in, and then was released in. They are all different and important values.

  • Have the ability to change an issue from a bug to an enhancement.

  • Have a status for "question" or "waiting for answers", to represent questions have been sent to a business analyst, essentially blocking progress on the bug.

  • Keep a bug restricted to a single issue, so that you can verify whether that issue is acutally fixed. So if there are 3 things wrong with a screen, log 3 bugs, instead a single of "Issues on the Whatever Screen"; these bugs may be fixed and released individually, and you need to be able to track that.

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Mike Mooney Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Mike Mooney

  1. User Reports Bug
  2. QA reproduces bug
  3. A Dev triages the bug to verify whether it's a bug or a new feature request
  4. If it's a bug, it's assigned to a dev
  5. QA tests the bug fix in the next release
  6. Release
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Joel Martinez Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Joel Martinez