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What's the use of the logOnly option in ngrx DevTools?

I've read the minimalistic docs at https://github.com/ngrx/platform/tree/master/docs/store-devtools, and understood that you can add instrumentation as follows:

  logOnly: environment.production

Supposedly, if the logOnly flag is true, your app will connect to the Redux DevTools extension in a log only mode, it'll have very little overhead as it shouldn't store the state data, but only log the action names that are happening during the runtime.

But in my experiments, I still see the state data in the ngrx DevTools panel, so what're the benefits of using logOnly:true?

like image 431
Yakov Fain Avatar asked Feb 28 '18 11:02

Yakov Fain

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What are the ngrx DevTools?

The DevTools are a Chrome / Firefox browser extension that is a UI for inspecting and interacting with NgRx inside of your application. The main features include a log of all NgRx actions, a State inspector, and a time-traveling debugger. inspect the state of the application at any moment in time, making debugging much easier

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If you are using NgRx in your Angular project, a must-have is the DevTools. The DevTools are a Chrome / Firefox browser extension that is a UI for inspecting and interacting with NgRx inside of your application. The main features include a log of all NgRx actions, a State inspector, and a time-traveling debugger.

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Luckily for the devs using NgRx in their project, the application state is kept in a single location and all the actions that can modify it are easily traceable with some great DevTools. As NgRx adheres to the redux pattern, we can use the same Redux DevTools as we would use for any other Redux base application.

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1 Answers

If you scroll down a little bit on that link you sent you will see:

logOnly: boolean - connect to the Devtools Extension in log-only mode. Default is false which enables all extension features.

With a link to the extensions features.

Based on this we can assume that setting logOnly to true will switch the following redux-devtools-extension features off:

const composeEnhancers = composeWithDevTools({
    features: {
        pause: true, // start/pause recording of dispatched actions
        lock: true, // lock/unlock dispatching actions and side effects    
        persist: true, // persist states on page reloading
        export: true, // export history of actions in a file
        import: 'custom', // import history of actions from a file
        jump: true, // jump back and forth (time travelling)
        skip: true, // skip (cancel) actions
        reorder: true, // drag and drop actions in the history list 
        dispatch: true, // dispatch custom actions or action creators
        test: true // generate tests for the selected actions

This is ideal for production environments as you may not need or want these primarily dev-focused features running in your live application.

like image 180
Andrew Hill Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 18:10

Andrew Hill