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What's the relationship between a Linux OS and a kernel?

I've been using Linux for several years, but never stepped beyond installing from a CD/DVD. If the app manager didn't have what I was looking for in the software, then I was a lost cause.

But right now I'm trying to get a grip around what "Linux" is.

The first word that pops into my head is "kernel". After reading on Wikipedia, I understand that a kernel is software running to give other software (OS + apps) access to hardware (CPU, RAM+++). It also handles memory, but isn't that what the OS is supposed to do (what I remember from OS class)?

Is the Linux distro just a packed list of software?

Take my favorite distro: Fedora. It's now in version 14 and ships with kernel 2.6.35.

Does the kernel come from somewhere central and is the core of every Linux distro? If this is true, then is the Linux distro just a way of making the computer with the kernel more user-friendly to use? In that way, the distro+kernel is the OS because the one without the other is not usable (maybe pure kernel, but who sits on that?).

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Jason94 Avatar asked Aug 04 '10 08:08


People also ask

What is the relationship between kernel and OS?

Kernel is system software which is part of operating system. Operating System provides interface between user and hardware. Kernel provides interface between applications and hardware. It also provides protection and security.

What is the relationship between Linux kernel and Linux distros?

Distro is combination of customized shell(s) working on a kernel. This means,for example-Kali,Ubuntu,fedora,Mint etc are different distros which work on Linux kernel. Shell acts as an interface between the user and the kernel. Shell can be command line interface or Graphic user interface.

Is Linux a Os or a kernel?

Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system.

Is kernel and OS the same?

The difference between an operating system and a kernel: The kernel is a part of an operating system. The operating system is the software package that communicates directly to the hardware and our application. The kernel is the lowest level of the operating system.

2 Answers

Pretty much correct. To me, "linux" is just the kernel. But it is pretty common to refer to entire distributions as linux. That is what annoys RMS so much. He maintains it should be called GNU/Linux, as he sees distributions as the linux kernel plus the additional software from the GNU project. This makes sense too but I never use the term GNU/Linux. I am either talking about the kernel linux, or "linux distributions", or a specific distribution.

So yes. A distribution is just the kernel (which may include distribution specific patches) plus all the extra programs that make it usable.

The kernel is a central project, and is nominally the same in each distro, but most distros customize it a bit.

And the extra software doesn't just make the kernel more user friendly, it makes it usable at all. A kernel is just interrupt handlers, device drivers, and system calls. It basically virtualizes the hardware and provides a standard environment for programs to work on.

As far as the phrase "operating system" goes, it can be confusing. Some people may say the kernel IS the operating system, and everything else is either a utility or an application or something else. Other people may say the kernel plus some other packages make up the operating system, but most of the software is not part of the operating system. Others may say all the software in the distro forms part of the operating system.

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Kurt Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09


Linux is the kernel. That's what Linus wrote and that's what the kernel developers continue to work on today. It controls the hardware.

An operating system is something that includes a kernel plus quite a few lower-level "applications" to allow you as a user to do useful stuff with your computer (think file manager, control panel and so on).

A distro (distribution) is an operating system packaged with an absolute massive amount of higher-level applications(a) like DVD authoring tools, web browsers, office suites and so on ad-near-infinitum(b).

Now there are grey areas between kernel/OS and even OS/distro but I think that's a fair starting point for understanding how it hangs together.

(a) Even Windows does this to some extent, with the inclusion of Wordpad, Calculator and Paint, though not to the insanely prolific level that Linux distros extend to - do we really need 472 different file managers? Choice is good, yes, but only up to a point :-)

(b) Yes, I'm aware that "ad-near-infinitum" makes no sense since any finite amount subtracted from the infinite is still infinite. But, if you want mathematical accuracy, you should probably be over at https://math.stackexchange.com :-)

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paxdiablo Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
