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good explanation of __read_mostly, __init, __exit macros

The macro expansion of __read_mostly :

#define __read_mostly __attribute__((__section__(".data..read_mostly")) 

This one is from cache.h


#define __init          __section(.init.text) __cold notrace 

from init.h


#define __exit          __section(.exit.text) __exitused __cold notrace 

After searching through net i have not found any good explanation of what is happening there.

Additonal question : I have heard about various "linker magic" employed in kernel development. Any information regarding this will be wonderful.

I have some ideas about these macros about what they do. Like __init supposed to indicate that the function code can be removed after initialization. __read_mostly is for indicating that the data is seldom written and by this it minimizes cache misses. But i have not idea about How they do it. I mean they are gcc extensions. So in theory they can be demonstrated by small userland c code.


I have tried to test the __section__ with arbitrary section name. the test code :

#include <stdio.h>  #define __read_mostly __attribute__((__section__("MY_DATA")))  struct ro {     char a;     int b;     char * c; };  struct ro my_ro  __read_mostly = {     .a = 'a',     .b = 3,     .c = NULL, };   int main(int argc, char **argv) {     printf("hello");     printf("my ro %c %d %p \n", my_ro.a, my_ro.b, my_ro.c);     return 0; } 

Now with __read_mostly the generated assembly code :

    .file   "ro.c" .globl my_ro     .section    MY_DATA,"aw",@progbits     .align 16     .type   my_ro, @object     .size   my_ro, 16 my_ro:     .byte   97     .zero   3     .long   3     .quad   0     .section    .rodata .LC0:     .string "hello" .LC1:     .string "my ro %c %d %p \n"     .text .globl main     .type   main, @function main: .LFB0:     .cfi_startproc     pushq   %rbp     .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16     .cfi_offset 6, -16     movq    %rsp, %rbp     .cfi_def_cfa_register 6     pushq   %rbx     subq    $24, %rsp     movl    %edi, -20(%rbp)     movq    %rsi, -32(%rbp)     movl    $.LC0, %eax     movq    %rax, %rdi     movl    $0, %eax     .cfi_offset 3, -24     call    printf     movq    my_ro+8(%rip), %rcx     movl    my_ro+4(%rip), %edx     movzbl  my_ro(%rip), %eax     movsbl  %al, %ebx     movl    $.LC1, %eax     movl    %ebx, %esi     movq    %rax, %rdi     movl    $0, %eax     call    printf     movl    $0, %eax     addq    $24, %rsp     popq    %rbx     leave     .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8     ret     .cfi_endproc .LFE0:     .size   main, .-main     .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.4.6 20110731 (Red Hat 4.4.6-3)"     .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 

Now without the __read_mostly macro the assembly code remains more or less the same.

this is the diff

--- rm.S    2012-07-17 16:17:05.795771270 +0600 +++ rw.S    2012-07-17 16:19:08.633895693 +0600 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@     .file   "ro.c"  .globl my_ro -   .section    MY_DATA,"aw",@progbits +   .data     .align 16     .type   my_ro, @object     .size   my_ro, 16 

So essentially only the a subsection is created, nothing fancy.

Even the objdump disassmbly does not show any difference.

So my final conclusion about them, its the linker's job do something for data section marked with a special name. I think linux kernel uses some kind of custom linker script do achieve these things.

One of the thing about __read_mostly, data which were put there can be grouped and managed in a way so that cache misses can be reduced.

Someone at lkml submitted a patch to remove __read_mostly. Which spawned a fascinated discussion on the merits and demerits of __read_mostly.

here is the link : https://lkml.org/lkml/2007/12/13/477

I will post further update on __init and __exit.


These macros __init , __exit and __read_mostly put the contents of data(in case of __read_mostly) and text(in cases of __init and __exit) are put into custom named sections. These sections are utilized by the linker. Now as linker is not used as its default behaviour for various reasons, A linker script is employed to achieve the purposes of these macros.

A background may be found how a custom linker script can be used to eliminate dead code(code which is linked to by linker but never executed). This issue is of very high importance in embedded scenarios. This document discusses how a linker script can be fine tuned to remove dead code : elinux.org/images/2/2d/ELC2010-gc-sections_Denys_Vlasenko.pdf

In case kernel the initial linker script can be found include/asm-generic/vmlinux.lds.h. This is not the final script. This is kind of starting point, the linker script is further modified for different platforms.

A quick look at this file the portions of interest can immediately found:

#define READ_MOSTLY_DATA(align)                     \     . = ALIGN(align);                       \     *(.data..read_mostly)                       \     . = ALIGN(align); 

It seems this section is using the ".data..readmostly" section.

Also you can find __init and __exit section related linker commands :

#define INIT_TEXT                           \     *(.init.text)                           \     DEV_DISCARD(init.text)                      \     CPU_DISCARD(init.text)                      \     MEM_DISCARD(init.text)  #define EXIT_TEXT                           \     *(.exit.text)                           \     DEV_DISCARD(exit.text)                      \     CPU_DISCARD(exit.text)                      \     MEM_DISCARD(exit.text) 

Linking seems pretty complex thing to do :)

like image 294
Aftnix Avatar asked Jul 16 '12 13:07


People also ask

What is __ Read_mostly?

read_mostly is a subsection of . data for data that will be mostly read; . init. text is a text (machine code) section that will be run when the program is initialised, etc.

What is the use of __ init and __ exit in Linux modular programming?

__init and __exit attributes This section is known in advance to the kernel, and freed when the module is loaded and the init function finished. This applies only to built-in drivers, not to loadable modules. The kernel will run the init function of the driver for the first time during its boot sequence.

1 Answers

GCC attributes are a general mechanism to give instructions to the compiler that are outside the specification of the language itself.

The common facility that the macros you list is the use of the __section__ attribute which is described as:

The section attribute specifies that a function lives in a particular section. For example, the declaration:

extern void foobar (void) __attribute__ ((section ("bar"))); 

puts the function foobar in the bar section.

So what does it mean to put something in a section? An object file is divided into sections: .text for executable machine code, .data for read-write data, .rodata for read-only data, .bss for data initialised to zero, etc. The names and purposes of these sections is a matter of platform convention, and some special sections can only be accessed from C using the __attribute__ ((section)) syntax.

In your example you can guess that .data..read_mostly is a subsection of .data for data that will be mostly read; .init.text is a text (machine code) section that will be run when the program is initialised, etc.

On Linux, deciding what to do with the various sections is the job of the kernel; when userspace requests to exec a program, it will read the program image section-by-section and process them appropriately: .data sections get mapped as read-write pages, .rodata as read-only, .text as execute-only, etc. Presumably .init.text will be executed before the program starts; that could either be done by the kernel or by userspace code placed at the program's entry point (I'm guessing the latter).

If you want to see the effect of these attributes, a good test is to run gcc with the -S option to output assembler code, which will contain the section directives. You could then run the assembler with and without the section directives and use objdump or even hex dump the resulting object file to see how it differs.

like image 189
ecatmur Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10
