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What's the purpose of Kafka's key/value pair-based messaging? [closed]

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What is key-value pair in Kafka?

A key-value pair defined for a single Kafka Streams record. If the record comes directly from a Kafka topic then its key/value are defined as the message key/value.

What does Kafka message contain?

A message in kafka is a key-value pair with a small amount of associated metadata. A message set is just a sequence of messages with offset and size information. This format happens to be used both for the on-disk storage on the broker and the on-the-wire format.

How does Kafka key work?

Kafka uses partitions to increase throughput and spread the load of messages to all brokers in a cluster. Kafka records are in a key/value format, where the keys can be null. Kafka producers don't immediately send records, instead placing them into partition-specific batches to be sent later.

What is the use of key serializer in Kafka?

The key. serializer and value. serializer instruct how to turn the key and value objects the user provides with their ProducerRecord into bytes. You can use the included ByteArraySerializer or StringSerializer for simple string or byte types.

Kafka uses the abstraction of a distributed log that consists of partitions. Splitting a log into partitions allows to scale-out the system.

Keys are used to determine the partition within a log to which a message get's appended to. While the value is the actual payload of the message. The examples are actually not very "good" with this regard; usually you would have a complex type as value (like a tuple-type or a JSON or similar) and you would extract one field as key.

See: http://kafka.apache.org/intro#intro_topics and http://kafka.apache.org/intro#intro_producers

In general the key and/or value can be null, too. If the key is null a random partition will the selected. If the value is null it can have special "delete" semantics in case you enable log-compaction instead of log-retention policy for a topic (http://kafka.apache.org/documentation#compaction).

Late addition... Specifying the key so that all messages on the same key go to the same partition is very important for proper ordering of message processing if you will have multiple consumers in a consumer group on a topic.

Without a key, two messages on the same key could go to different partitions and be processed by different consumers in the group out of order.