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What is the difference between Apache kafka vs ActiveMQ

I am working on Apache Kafka. I want to know which one is better: Kafka or ActiveMQ. What is the main difference between this two technologies? I want to implement Kafka in Spring MVC.

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Boxer Robert Avatar asked Jun 28 '17 02:06

Boxer Robert

People also ask

Which is better Kafka or ActiveMQ?

Kafka is way faster than ActiveMQ. It can handle millions of messages per sec. ActiveMQ supports both message queues and publishes/subscribe messaging systems. On the other hand, Kafka is based on publish/subscribe but does have certain advantages of message-queues.

What is the difference between Kafka and IBM MQ or ActiveMQ?

As a conventional Message Queue, IBM MQ has more features than Kafka. IBM MQ also supports JMS, making it a more convenient alternative to Kafka. Kafka, on the other side, is better suited to large data frameworks such as Lambda. Kafka also has connectors and provides stream processing.

What is Apache ActiveMQ used for?

What is ActiveMQ (Active Message Queuing)? ActiveMQ is an open source protocol developed by Apache which functions as an implementation of message-oriented middleware (MOM). Its basic function is to send messages between different applications, but includes additional features like STOMP, JMS, and OpenWire.

Can Kafka replace IBM MQ?

Apache Kafka is ideal for teams that value speed and performance highly. IBM MQ is a robust traditional message queue system, but it doesn't match the speed of Apache Kafka. Users should expect messages to take longer to complete in IBM MQ and will have a harder time using it to log events.

2 Answers

Kafka and ActiveMQ may have some overlaps but they were originally designed for different purposes. So comparing them is just like comparing an Apple and an Orange.


Kafka is a distributed streaming platform with very good horizontal scaling capability. It allows applications to process and re-process streamed data on disk. Due to it's high throughput it's commonly used for real-time data streaming.


ActiveMQ is a general-purpose message broker that supports several messaging protocols such as AMQP, STOMP, MQTT. It supports more complicated message routing patterns as well as the Enterprise Integration Patterns. In general it is mainly used for integration between applications/services especially in a Service Oriented Architecture.

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Chris Lam Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10

Chris Lam

Kafka Architecture is different to ActiveMQ.

In Kafka, producer will publish messages to topic, which is a stream of messages of a particular type. Consumer will subscribe to one or more topics of brokers by pulling the data.

Key differences:

  1. ActiveMQ Broker had to maintain the delivery state of every message resulting into lower throughput. Kafka producer doesn’t wait for acknowledgements from the broker unlike in ActiveMQ and sends messages as faster as the broker can handle. Overall throughput will be high if broker can handle the messages as fast as producer.

  2. Kafka has a more efficient storage format. On average, each message had an overhead of 9 bytes in Kafka, versus 144 bytes in ActiveMQ.

  3. ActiveMQ is push based messaging system and Kafka is pull based messaging system . In AcitveMQ, Producer send message to Broker and Broker push messages to all consumers. Producer has responsibility to ensure that message has been delivered. In Kafka, Consumer will pull messages from broker at its own time. It's the responsibility of consumer to consume the messages it has supposed to consume.

  4. Slow Consumers in AMQ can cause problems on non-durable topics since they can force the broker to keep old messages in RAM which once it fills up, forces the broker to slow down producers, causing the fast consumers to be slowed down. A slow consumer in Kakfa does not impact other consumers.

  5. In Kafka - A consumer can rewind back to an old offset and re-consume data. It is useful when you fix some issue and decide to re-play the old messages post issue resolution.

  6. Performance of Queue and Topics degrades with addition of more consumers in ActiveMQ. But Kafka does not have that dis-advantage with addition of more consumers.

  7. Kafka is highly scalable due to replication of partitions. It can ensure that messages are delivered in a sequence with in a partition.

  8. ActiveMQ is traditional messaging system where as Kakfa is meant for distributed processing system with huge amount of data and effective for stream processing

Due to above efficiencies, Kafka throughput is more than normal messaging systems like ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ.

More details can be read at notes.stephenholiday.com

EDIT: It's especially for the people, who thinks producer does not wait for confirmation of acknowledgement from broker can read ActiveMQ documentation page

The ProducerWindowSize is the maximum number of bytes of data that a producer will transmit to a broker before waiting for acknowledgment messages from the broker that it has accepted the previously sent messages.

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Ravindra babu Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 06:10

Ravindra babu