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What's the point of using Amazon SimpleDB?

I thought that I could use SimpleDB to take care of the most challenging area of my application (as far as scaling goes) - twitter-like comments, but with location on top - till the point when I sat down to actually start implementing it with SDB.

First thing, SDB has a 1000 bytes limitation per attribute value, which is not enough even for comments (probably need to break down longer values into multiple attributes).

Then, maximum domain size is 10GB. The promise was that you could scale up without worrying about database sharding etc., since SDB will not degrade with increasing loads of data. But if I understand correctly, with domains I would have exactly the same problem as with sharding, ie. at some point need to implement data records' distribution and queries across domains on application level.

Even for the simplest objects that I have in the whole application, ie. atomic user ratings, SDB is not an option, because it cannot calculate an average within the query (everything is string based). So to calculate average user rating for an object, I would have to load all records - 250 at a time - and calculate it on application level.

Am I missing something about SDB? Is 10GB really that much of a database to get over all SDB limitations? I was honestly enthusiastic about taking advantage of SDB, since I use S3 and EC2 already, but now I simply don't see a use case.

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Otigo Avatar asked Mar 15 '09 18:03


People also ask

What are the features of Amazon SimpleDB?

In contrast, Amazon SimpleDB is easy to use and provides the core functionality of a database - real-time lookup and simple querying of structured data - without the operational complexity. Amazon SimpleDB requires no schema, automatically indexes your data and provides a simple API for storage and access.

What is difference between Amazon SimpleDB and Amazon RDS?

Amazon SimpleDB provides simple index and query capabilities. Amazon RDS enables you to run a fully featured relational database while offloading database administration. And, using one of our many relational database AMIs on Amazon EC2 and Amazon EBS allows you to operate your own relational database in the cloud.

What is the difference between SimpleDB and DynamoDB?

SimpleDB has a strict storage limitation of 10 GB. However, DynamoDB has no storage limitations for the data. It is highly scalable in terms of both storage and computation. SimpleDB can handle max up to 25 Write Operations/Second.

Is AWS SimpleDB deprecated?

SimpleDB is deprecated, more expensive than DDB, and kind of weird to use. Backing your keystore with a deprecated service just sounds like a road to many sleepless nights ;) The utility does depend on three external services: DynamoDB, KMS, and IAM (for permissioning).

2 Answers

I use SDB on a couple of large-ish applications. The 10 GB limit per domain does worry me, but we are gambling on Amazon allowing this to be extended if we need it. They have a request form on their site if you want more space.

As far as cross domain joins, don't think of SDB as a traditional database. During the migration of my data to SDB, I had to denormalize some of it so I could manually do the cross domain joins.

The 1000 byte per attribute limitation was tough to work around also. One of the applications I have is a blog service which stores posts and comments in the database. While porting it over to SDB, I ran into this limitation. I ended up storing the posts and comments as files in S3, and read that in my code. Since this server is on EC2, the traffic to S3 isn't costing anything extra.

Perhaps one of the other problems to watch out for is the eventual consistency model on SDB. You can't write data and then read it back with any guarantee that the newly written data will be returned to you. Eventually the data will be updated.

All of this said, I still love SDB. I don't regret switching to it. I moved from a SQL 2005 server. I think I had a lot more control with SQL, but once giving up that control, I have more flexibility. Not needing to pre-define the schema is awesome. With a strong and robust caching layer in your code, it's easy to make SDB more flexible.

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marcc Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09


I have about 50GB in SimpleDB, sharded across 30 domains. I use this to allow multiple keys on objects stored in S3, and also to reduce my S3 costs. I haven't played with using SimpleDB for full-text search, but I would not attempt it.

SimpleDB works, it's easy, and so on, but it isn't the right set of features for every situation. In your case, if you need aggregation, SimpleDB is not the right solution. It is built around the school of thought that the DB is just a key value store, and aggregation should be handled by an aggregation process that writes the results back to the key value store. This is exactly what is needed for some applications.

Here is a description of how I pinch pennies using SimpleDB

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Kevin Peterson Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Kevin Peterson