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First name, middle name, last name. Why not Full Name?

I am trying to find a better approach for storing people's name in the table. What is the benefits of 3 field over 1 field for storing persons name?


Here is an interesting discussion and resources about storing names and user experience

Merging firstname/last name into one field

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ashraf Avatar asked Jul 13 '09 22:07


People also ask

What is first name and middle name and last name?

Here First Name is Ram, Middle name is Prasad and Last name is Srivastava. First is the one which is given to you when you born. Last name/surname is either your family name or your father name. For example in Tamilnadu we do use father name as last name but in Andhrapradesh they use their family name as last name.

Does full name always include middle name?

So, for example, if your full name were “John Fred SMITH” (your surname being “SMITH”), then your first name (in full) would be “John Fred”. Legally speaking, there is no such thing as a middle name, so you'd simply have a first name made up of two names (“John Fred”).

What is the difference between middle name and last name?

Surname is the name that your parents gave you through your birth to them. The middle name is also the name they gave you. Your last name is the name passed on to you through birth following generations.

When it says full name does that mean middle name?

More Definitions of Full legal name Full legal name means an individual's first name(s), middle name(s), and last name(s) or surname without the use of initials or nicknames unless otherwise acceptable in Section 7 of this document.

1 Answers

You can always construct a full name from its components, but you can't always deconstruct a full name into its components.

Say you want to write an email starting with "Dear Richie" - you can do that trivially if you have a given_name field, but figuring out what someone's given name is from their full name isn't trivial.

You can also trivially search or sort by given_name, or family_name, or whatever.

(Note I'm using given_name, family_name, etc. rather than first_name, last_name, because different cultures put their names in different orders.)

Solving this problem in the general case is hard - here's an article that gives a flavour of how hard it is: Representing People's Names in Dublin Core.

like image 108
RichieHindle Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 06:10
