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What's the point in using "is" followed by "as" instead of "as" followed by a null check in C#?


While reading C# code I found a rather curious snippet:

if( whatever is IDisposable) {   (whatever as IDisposable).Dispose(); } 

I'd rather expect that being done either like this:

if( whatever is IDisposable) { //check   ((IDisposable)whatever).Dispose(); //cast - won't fail } 

or like this:

IDisposable whateverDisposable = whatever as IDisposable; if( whateverDisposable != null ) {    whateverDisposable.Dispose(); } 

I mean as is like a cast, but returns null on failure. In the second snippet it can't fail (since there's a is check before).

What's the point in writing code like in the first snippet instead of like in the second or in the third?

like image 973
sharptooth Avatar asked Aug 22 '11 11:08


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2 Answers

You are correct. The first snippet does not make sense.

From the alternatives, I would recommend the third one, since it is thread-safe in the sense that between the check and the method call, the object cannot be replaced by another one which does not implement the interface. Consider the following scenario with the second snippet:

if (whatever is IDisposable) { //check      // <-- here, some other thread changes the value of whatever     ((IDisposable)whatever).Dispose(); // could fail }  

This can't happen with the third snippet.

Note: There are some subtle differences between a cast and as with respect to user-defined conversions, but they do not apply in this case.

like image 83
Heinzi Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 04:10


is followed by as is a pointless construct, as you suspect. Ultimately, if you're not sure what type something is or what interfaces it implements, there are two idioms -- one for reference types and one for value types.

When testing for reference types (or a boxed nullable), the last pattern you provide is correct -- as followed by a null test. This will be the fastest approach as the runtime will only have to perform one type test.

When testing for boxed value types, the second pattern you provide is correct -- is followed by a cast.

like image 44
cdhowie Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10
