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How to clear Linkedin Share cache?


I have a new description in the page but when I share the page it is still using the old description that no longer exists, I am after something similar like the Facebook Lint.

Any ideas?

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Scott Alexander Avatar asked Aug 30 '11 08:08

Scott Alexander

People also ask

Does LinkedIn cache for link preview?

LinkedIn caches your images, page titles, and descriptions for 7 days. So when you update your website with perfect preview content and image, or if you try sharing your website link you will still see old preview content and image. Solution: No problem!

2 Answers

You can append dummy query string value to your url and make it look like a new url and LinkedIn fetches it again. I've tried it and it works.

For example:


where refid=LinkedIn is just a dummy value.

If your url already contains query string and then just append "&refid=LinkedIn" at the end of the url.

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Satish Shetty Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09

Satish Shetty

Unfortunately, appending a query string to the URL no longer works.

From the following StackOverflow post:

LinkedIn's content cache presently stores website information for approximately 7 days before the crawler will revisit the site.

There looks like there is no instant way to clear the cache, but to wait seven days, remove the media and re-add it.

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alexcu Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09
