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What's the most semantically correct way to do subheadings?


What's the most semantically correct way to do subheadings or subtitles? Example below.


We sell apples, yay!

Lorem ipsum...

Since the contents of the subheading aren't of much importance when compared to actual, informative headings, I thought that they should not be seen as separate headings by screen readers and search engines.

So, the options that I thought of are as follows:

  • <h2>About</h2><h3>We sell apples, yay!</h3> -> This is what I would like to avoid.
  • <h2>About</h2><span class="subheading">We sell apples, yay!</span> -> Works. Is it the best way? Don't know.
  • <h2>About<span class="subheading">We sell apples, yay!</span></h2> -> Part of the heading. I don't really know if it's a good or bad thing.

Any advice on this one?

like image 719
jpeltoniemi Avatar asked Dec 12 '10 16:12


People also ask

What format should subheadings be in?

Section headings and subheadings should be organized in a hierarchy, with Section Heading (h2) first, followed by subheadings in order (Section Subheading (h3) will nestle under Section Heading (h2), Detailed Subheading (h4) under Section Subheading (h3), etc.).

What is the best sub heading?

A good subheading should take just a few seconds to read. I recommend keeping your subheading between 10 and 30 words. Double the length of your headline is a good length. Aim for the right amount of information.

1 Answers


  • https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/common-idioms-without-dedicated-elements.html#subheadings-subtitles-alternative-titles-and-taglines

h1–h6 elements must not be used to markup subheadings, subtitles, alternative titles and taglines unless intended to be the heading for a new section or subsection.

A heading should help comprise the outline of the document. The document outline in Microsoft Word—which also uses headings 1 - 6—is a good example of this concept in action. Headings often serve (or have the potential to serve) as the title for some additional body of information, that is, "headings for the sections with which they are associated".

If the content does not help form the outline of the document and has no potential to be a title for other information, then it probably doesn't belong in a H[1-6] tag.


A header typically contains a group of introductory or navigational aids. http://www.w3.org/TR/html51/sections.html#the-header-element, emphasis mine.

<header>     <h1>About</h1>     <div class="subtitle">We sell apples, yay!</div> </header>  <style>     header .subtitle{ color: blue; } </style> 
like image 157
Tim M. Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 03:01

Tim M.