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How can I get system/hardware info via Java? [duplicate]


I need to get system and hardware info via a Java application.

I'm interested in:

  • Os details;
  • Processors count, names, processor load in percents;
  • Memory status (total/free);
  • Os process (threads) count and CPU/Memory usage for each of them;
  • Network statistic (for each interface);

Is there a Java library that can do this?

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Vladimir Kostyukov Avatar asked Jan 16 '11 05:01

Vladimir Kostyukov

2 Answers

  1. Using Java to get os level system Information will get you started in right direction.
  2. Finding Operating System Information
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Rachel Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10


i have used SIGAR and is a wonderful tool for getting all SysInfo programatically. +1

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Vivek Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10
