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What's the most pythonic way to ensure that all elements of a list are different?

I have a list in Python that I generate as part of the program. I have a strong assumption that these are all different, and I check this with an assertion.

This is the way I do it now:

If there are two elements:

    assert(x[0] != x[1])
    print debug_info
    raise Exception("throw to caller")

If there are three:

    assert(x[0] != x[1])
    assert(x[0] != x[2])
    assert(x[1] != x[2])
    print debug_info
    raise Exception("throw to caller")

And if I ever have to do this with four elements I'll go crazy.

Is there a better way to ensure that all the elements of the list are unique?

like image 807
Nathan Fellman Avatar asked Sep 30 '09 23:09

Nathan Fellman

People also ask

How do you check whether all elements in a list are unique?

# Given List Alist = ['Mon','Tue','Wed'] print("The given list : ",Alist) # Compare length for unique elements if(len(set(Alist)) == len(Alist)): print("All elements are unique. ") else: print("All elements are not unique. ")

How do you check if all elements are the same in list python?

if len(set(input_list)) == 1: # input_list has all identical elements.

How do you check if all items in a list are unique python?

Using Python's import numpy, the unique elements in the array are also obtained. In the first step convert the list to x=numpy.array(list) and then use numpy.unique(x) function to get the unique values from the list. numpy.unique() returns only the unique values in the list.

How do you check if all conditions are true in Python?

The all() function returns True if all items in an iterable are true, otherwise it returns False. If the iterable object is empty, the all() function also returns True.

2 Answers

Maybe something like this:

if len(x) == len(set(x)):
    print "all elements are unique"
    print "elements are not unique"
like image 145
Elias Zamaria Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 03:10

Elias Zamaria

The most popular answers are O(N) (good!-) but, as @Paul and @Mark point out, they require the list's items to be hashable. Both @Paul and @Mark's proposed approaches for unhashable items are general but take O(N squared) -- i.e., a lot.

If your list's items are not hashable but are comparable, you can do better... here's an approach that always work as fast as feasible given the nature of the list's items.

import itertools

def allunique(L):
  # first try sets -- fastest, if all items are hashable
    return len(L) == len(set(L))
  except TypeError:
  # next, try sort -- second fastest, if items are comparable
    L1 = sorted(L)
  except TypeError:
    return all(len(list(g))==1 for k, g in itertools.groupby(L1))
  # fall back to the slowest but most general approach
  return all(v not in L[i+1:] for i, L in enumerate(L))

This is O(N) where feasible (all items hashable), O(N log N) as the most frequent fallback (some items unhashable, but all comparable), O(N squared) where inevitable (some items unhashable, e.g. dicts, and some non-comparable, e.g. complex numbers).

Inspiration for this code comes from an old recipe by the great Tim Peters, which differed by actually producing a list of unique items (and also was so far ago that set was not around -- it had to use a dict...!-), but basically faced identical issues.

like image 26
Alex Martelli Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 05:10

Alex Martelli