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caching sha2 password is not supported mysql

i'm trying to get my python program to insert data into MySQL and i followed a guide however i keep getting the error below.

"Authentication plugin '{0}' is not supported".format(plugin_name)) mysql.connector.errors.NotSupportedError: Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' is not supported"

have i missed a setting in mysql server or does python not support this yet?

I think i can just change the password type but mysql doesn't want to let me for some reason all users with caching_sha2_password can't be changed and when i create a new user and select SHA256 Password I get the error creating account @% the password hash doesn't have the expected format. check if the correct password algorithm is being used with the PASSWORD() function.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
import urllib.request
import numpy as np
import mysql.connector as mysql

from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta

cnx = mysql.connect(user='root', password='password', database='powergrid')

cursor = cnx.cursor()

tomorrow = datetime.now().date() + timedelta(days=1)

idfueltype= cursor.lastrowid

add_fueltype = ("INSERT INTO fueltype"
                "(idfueltype, fueltypecol, demand)"
               "VALUES(%s, %s, %s)")

fueltype_data = (idfueltype, 'coal', 10000)

cursor.execute(add_fueltype, fueltype_data)


like image 501
adam Wadsworth Avatar asked May 08 '18 23:05

adam Wadsworth

4 Answers

I managed to fix this. In the end I was using a version of python in Anaconda which just wouldn't install version 8.0.11 of the python connector, I managed to get 8.0.11 installed on my vanilla python 3.6.5 using windows PowerShell (in admin privileges) and using pip install MySQL-connector-python (I think I also had to update pip from 9 to 10.

like image 114
adam Wadsworth Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 16:10

adam Wadsworth

Installs the drive for python3.

python3 -m pip install mysql-connector-python

Installs the drive for the default python preinstalled on your system by the manufacturer.

python -m pip install mysql-connector-python
like image 20
DKMDebugin Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10


I had the same problem

"Authentication plugin '{0}' is not supported".format(plugin_name)) mysql.connector.errors.NotSupportedError: Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' is not supported"

This happens because your Python connector does not support the authentication plugin caching_sha2_password and you need to update it. I fixed it by installing the correct Python connector from MySQL official site. Be sure to download the correct connector based on your operating system, MySQL version and the Python version you use.

like image 34
Giuseppe Marcucci Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10

Giuseppe Marcucci

Seems this package works for me: sudo pip install MySQL-connector-python

like image 3
Allen211 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10
