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What's the most Pythonic way of determining endianness?

I'm trying to find the best way of working out whether the machine my code is running on is big-endian or little-endian. I have a solution that works (although I haven't tested it on a big-endian machine) but it seems a bit clunky:

import struct little_endian = (struct.pack('@h', 1) == struct.pack('<h', 1)) 

This is just comparing a 'native' two-byte pack to a little-endian pack. Is there a prettier way?

like image 815
Major Major Avatar asked Aug 28 '09 09:08

Major Major

People also ask

What determines the endianness?

Broadly speaking, the endianness in use is determined by the CPU. Because there are a number of options, it is unsurprising that different semiconductor vendors have chosen different endianness for their CPUs.

Is there a quick way to determine endianness of your machine?

Is there a quick way to determine endianness of your machine? There are n no. of ways for determining endianness of your machine.

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We can also check the endianness of the machine using the union. We need to create a union that has an integer variable and an array of 4 characters. If the first element (au8DataBuff [0]) of the character array is equal to the LSB Bytes of integer, then the system will be little endian otherwise big-endian.

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By far the most common ordering of multiple bytes in one number is the little-endian, which is used on all Intel processors.

1 Answers

The answer is in the sys module:

>>> import sys >>> sys.byteorder 'little' 

Of course depending on your machine it may return 'big'. Your method should certainly work too though.

like image 116
Scott Griffiths Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 18:10

Scott Griffiths