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What's the difference between using INDEX vs KEY in MySQL?

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What is the difference between key and index?

A key uniquely identifies a row in a table. An index is the order of rows based a field in a table. A table can have multiple indexes, because an index can just be a certain order of a set fields the system uses to search on and then looks up the actual row.

What is the use of index key in MySQL?

Indexes are used to find rows with specific column values quickly. Without an index, MySQL must begin with the first row and then read through the entire table to find the relevant rows. The larger the table, the more this costs.

Which is faster primary key or index?

If there are many rows covered by the index than it's can be faster to simply do a table scan instead. An index adds some overhead while querying so if the between covers more than 80% (completely arbitrary, but you get the idea) of the rows in the table, the table scan can be faster.

Do you need index If you have primary key?

But in the database world, it's actually not necessary to create an index on the primary key column — the primary index can be created on any non primary key column as well.

There's no difference. They are synonyms.

From the CREATE TABLE manual entry:

KEY is normally a synonym for INDEX. The key attribute PRIMARY KEY can also be specified as just KEY when given in a column definition. This was implemented for compatibility with other database systems.

Here is a nice description about the "difference":

"MySQL requires every Key also be indexed, that's an implementation detail specific to MySQL to improve performance."

It is mentioned as a synonym for INDEX in the 'create table' docs: MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual :: 13 SQL Statement Syntax :: 13.1 Data Definition Statements :: 13.1.17 CREATE TABLE Syntax

@Nos already cited the section and linked the help for 5.1.

Like PRIMARY KEY creates a primary key and an index for you, KEY creates an index only.

Keys are special fields that play very specific roles within a table, and the type of key determines its purpose within the table.

An index is a structure that RDBMS(database management system) provides to improve data processing. An index has nothing to do with a logical database structure.


Keys are logical structures you use to identify records within a table and indexes are physical structures you use to optimize data processing.

Source: Database Design for Mere Mortals

Author: Michael Hernandez