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What resources exist for Database performance-tuning? [closed]

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Which tool provide the performance tuning suggestions?

1. Use the Database Engine Tuning Advisor. An important performance optimization tool for SQL performance tuning is the Database Engine Tuning Advisor. This tool allows admins to evaluate single Transact-SQL statements or a batch of statements to determine where improvements can be made.

How performance tuning is done in SQL?

In a nutshell, SQL performance tuning consists of making queries of a relation database run as fast as possible. As you'll see in this post, SQL performance tuning is not a single tool or technique. Rather, it's a set of practices that makes uses of a wide array of techniques, tools, and processes.

Oracle's very own Tom Kyte has a fantastic repository on every type of performance problem imaginable on http://asktom.oracle.com. He usually takes the time to recreate specific problems and gives very detailed explanations.

This guy's answer to a not-the-same-inquiry is probably a good start.

Hidden Features of MySQL

And something for PostgreSQL: "Performance Optimization" at the official wiki.

If you are using an Oracle database, this guide may also help. http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28274/toc.htm

For MySQL, the performance tuning 'bible' is High Performance MySQL

Quick PostgreSQL Optimization (query optimizing)

Short read, explains a lot of things well and 'works' a real example which is nice for those of us that learn better that way.

After seeing the wiki link to PostgreSQL, figured I'd edit this post with links for mysql/oracle docs, not really an optimization guides specifically but both are good resources, especially the mysql one. For optimization and any other tuning features.

SO has a good one here: How do you interpret a query’s explain plan?