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What's the difference between return -code error and error



What is actually the difference between raising an exception in TCL via return -code error ...and error ...? When would one be used instead of the other?

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user1426400 Avatar asked May 30 '12 15:05


1 Answers

The error command produces an error right at the current point; it's great for the cases where you're throwing a problem due to a procedure's internal state. The return -code error command makes the procedure it is placed in produce an error (as if the procedure was error); it's great for the case where there's a problem with the arguments passed to the procedure (i.e., the caller did something wrong). The difference really comes when you look at the stack trace.

Here's a (contrived!) example:

proc getNumberFromFile {filename} {
    if {![file readable $filename]} {
        return -code error "could not read $filename"
    set f [open $filename]
    set content [read $f]
    close $f
    if {![regexp -- {-?\d+} $content number]} {
        error "no number present in $filename"
    return $number

catch {getNumberFromFile no.such.file}
puts $::errorInfo
#could not read no.such.file
#    while executing
#"getNumberFromFile no.such.file"

catch {getNumberFromFile /dev/null}
puts $::errorInfo
#no number present in /dev/null
#    while executing
#"error "no number present in $filename""
#    (procedure "getNumberFromFile" line 9)
#    invoked from within
#"getNumberFromFile /dev/null"
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Donal Fellows Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 07:11

Donal Fellows