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Whats the difference between OpenSSL and LetsEncrypt? [closed]

Historically we have used LetsEncrypt at work, but the nginx container we are using has Openssl installed on it already.

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Andrew Graham-Yooll Avatar asked Jun 30 '17 16:06

Andrew Graham-Yooll

People also ask

What is the difference between LetsEncrypt and paid SSL?

While Let's Encrypt certificates are only valid for 90 days (paid SSL Certificates generally expire after one or two years), auto-renewal is available to ensure that a website won't be left without HTTPS.

What is LetsEncrypt used for?

Let's Encrypt is a global Certificate Authority (CA). We let people and organizations around the world obtain, renew, and manage SSL/TLS certificates. Our certificates can be used by websites to enable secure HTTPS connections. Let's Encrypt offers Domain Validation (DV) certificates.

Is LetsEncrypt less secure?

As far as encryption technologies and security, the traffic encrypted by a lets encrypt cert is just as secure as the traffic secured by a paid-for CA signed cert. The fact that Let's Encrypt certificates expire quickly is a feature, not anything to do with paid vs. non-paid.

Is LetsEncrypt SSL or TLS?

Two of the biggest barriers have been the cost and the manual processes involved in getting a certificate. But now, with Let's Encrypt, they are no longer a concern. Let's Encrypt makes SSL/TLS encryption freely available to everyone. Let's Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA).

1 Answers

LetsEncrypt is a free certificate authority. OpenSSL is a software package for generating certificates. The LetsEncrypt scripts use OpenSSL to generate certificates and sign them with the LetsEncrypt service.

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PaulProgrammer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09
