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What's the difference between KeyDown and KeyPress in .NET?



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What is difference between Keydown and keypress?

The keydown event is fired when a key is pressed. Unlike the keypress event, the keydown event is fired for all keys, regardless of whether they produce a character value. The keydown and keyup events provide a code indicating which key is pressed, while keypress indicates which character was entered.

What is difference between keypress and Keydown event C#?

KeyDown is raised as soon as the user presses a key on the keyboard, while they're still holding it down. KeyPress is raised for character keys (unlike KeyDown and KeyUp, which are also raised for noncharacter keys) while the key is pressed.

What is the difference between Keyup and Keydown and keypress?

keypress – fires when a key that produces a character value is pressed down, fires after keydown , and before the browser processes the key. keyup – fires when any key is released, fires last, and the browser processes the key.

What is the difference between the Keydown and Keyup events?

The keydown event is triggered first when user presses a key. The keyup event is triggered last when user releases a key. In between, the keypress event is triggered.

There is apparently a lot of misunderstanding about this!

The only practical difference between KeyDown and KeyPress is that KeyPress relays the character resulting from a keypress, and is only called if there is one.

In other words, if you press A on your keyboard, you'll get this sequence of events:

  1. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.A, KeyData=Keys.A, Modifiers=Keys.None
  2. KeyPress: KeyChar='a'
  3. KeyUp: KeyCode=Keys.A

But if you press Shift+A, you'll get:

  1. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.ShiftKey, KeyData=Keys.ShiftKey, Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  2. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.A, KeyData=Keys.A | Keys.Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  3. KeyPress: KeyChar='A'
  4. KeyUp: KeyCode=Keys.A
  5. KeyUp: KeyCode=Keys.ShiftKey

If you hold down the keys for a while, you'll get something like:

  1. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.ShiftKey, KeyData=Keys.ShiftKey, Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  2. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.ShiftKey, KeyData=Keys.ShiftKey, Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  3. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.ShiftKey, KeyData=Keys.ShiftKey, Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  4. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.ShiftKey, KeyData=Keys.ShiftKey, Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  5. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.ShiftKey, KeyData=Keys.ShiftKey, Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  6. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.A, KeyData=Keys.A | Keys.Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  7. KeyPress: KeyChar='A'
  8. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.A, KeyData=Keys.A | Keys.Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  9. KeyPress: KeyChar='A'
  10. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.A, KeyData=Keys.A | Keys.Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  11. KeyPress: KeyChar='A'
  12. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.A, KeyData=Keys.A | Keys.Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  13. KeyPress: KeyChar='A'
  14. KeyDown: KeyCode=Keys.A, KeyData=Keys.A | Keys.Shift, Modifiers=Keys.Shift
  15. KeyPress: KeyChar='A'
  16. KeyUp: KeyCode=Keys.A
  17. KeyUp: KeyCode=Keys.ShiftKey

Notice that KeyPress occurs in between KeyDown and KeyUp, not after KeyUp, as many of the other answers have stated, that KeyPress is not called when a character isn't generated, and that KeyDown is repeated while the key is held down, also contrary to many of the other answers.

Examples of keys that do not directly result in calls to KeyPress:

  • Shift, Ctrl, Alt
  • F1 through F12
  • Arrow keys

Examples of keys that do result in calls to KeyPress:

  • A through Z, 0 through 9, etc.
  • Spacebar
  • Tab (KeyChar='\t', ASCII 9)
  • Enter (KeyChar='\r', ASCII 13)
  • Esc (KeyChar='\x1b', ASCII 27)
  • Backspace (KeyChar='\b', ASCII 8)

For the curious, KeyDown roughly correlates to WM_KEYDOWN, KeyPress to WM_CHAR, and KeyUp to WM_KEYUP. WM_KEYDOWN can be called fewer than the the number of key repeats, but it sends a repeat count, which, IIRC, WinForms uses to generate exactly one KeyDown per repeat.

The KeyPress event is not raised by noncharacter keys; however, the noncharacter keys do raise the KeyDown and KeyUp events.


KeyPress is only fired by printable characters and is fired after the KeyDown event. Depending on the typing delay settings there can be multiple KeyDown and KeyPress events but only one KeyUp event.


KeyPress is a higher level of abstraction than KeyDown (and KeyUp). KeyDown and KeyUp are hardware related: the actual action of a key on the keyboard. KeyPress is more "I received a character from the keyboard".

Keydown is pressing the key without releasing it, Keypress is a complete press-and-release cycle.

Put another way, KeyDown + KeyUp = Keypress