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What's the difference between javax.persistence.Id and org.springframework.data.annotation.Id?

I'd be interested whether there is the difference between javax.persistence.Id and org.springframework.data.annotation.Id.

  1. If Spring has created that annotation only for support the JPA annotation, then why?
  2. Does org.springframework.data.annotation.Id have another [additional] purpose?
like image 735
Andrew Tobilko Avatar asked Sep 22 '16 16:09

Andrew Tobilko

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1 Answers

org.springframework.data.annotation.Id is currently used by Spring to support mapping for other non relational persistence databases or frameworks that do not have a defined common persistence API like JPA. So, it is normally used when dealing with other spring-data projects such as spring-data-mongodb, spring-data-solr, etc.

javax.persistence.Id is the annotation defined by JPA for all its implementations. Have in mind JPA only applies for management of relational data.

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megalucio Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 18:10
