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What's the difference between groups and roles?



A lot of identity management implementations use roles in addition to groups. How are they different? So far I haven't found a compelling use case for separating the two. All the explanations I've read are vague and hand-wavey.

Can you give a good example where having roles and groups are necessary?

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Alex B Avatar asked Sep 24 '10 07:09

Alex B

People also ask

What is the difference between roles and groups?

A group is a collection of users with a given set of permissions assigned to the group (and transitively, to the users). A role is a collection of permissions, and a user effectively inherits those permissions when he acts under that role.

What is group and role membership?

Groups and Roles. Groups and roles can simplify control of database access. Groups are used to apply permissions to a list of users, while roles are used to associate subject privileges and permissions with an application.

What is the difference between role and group in Documentum?

Groups are used for object permissions; roles are used for application or function permissions.

What is group and role in ServiceNow?

Groups are collections of users who need the same permissions and are a shortcut way of assigning roles to users. For example, a System Administrator might create a Human Resources group or a Network group. Rather than adding a role individually to each user, System Administrators assign roles to groups.

1 Answers

Person - Group - Roles

  • A person is a member of one or more groups.
  • A group is assigned multiple roles.


  • Two roles exist in a system stock_purchaser, timecard_supervisor.
  • Two groups exist in a system shift_supervisor, regional_manager.
  • regional_manager has the stock_purchaser and timecard_supervisor role.
  • shift_supervisor has the timecard_supervisor role.

In the event a new role (e.g. review_leave_requests) is created - this can be added to all those groups who require this role. In a system only having roles it may be a laborious task adding the role to all people that require it.

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Dale Reidy Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 12:11

Dale Reidy