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Python: Stacktrace vs Traceback

In the Python world there are two terms which seem to be equal:

  • Stacktrace
  • Traceback

Is there any difference between the two?

like image 629
guettli Avatar asked Jan 23 '18 13:01


People also ask

How is the traceback information related to the call stack?

The traceback module works with the call stack to produce error messages. A traceback is a stack trace from the point of an exception handler down the call chain to the point where the exception was raised.

What is traceback Print_exc ()?

traceback. print_exc(limit = None, file = None, chain = True) : This is a shorthand for print_exception(*sys. exc_info(), limit, file, chain). traceback. print_last(limit = None, file = None, chain = True) : It works only after an exception has reached an interactive prompt.

How do you capture a traceback in Python?

Method 1: By using print_exc() method. This method prints exception information and stack trace entries from traceback object tb to file.

What is Stacktrace in Python?

The Python stack trace is a valuable piece of information that you can use to debug your code. It contains information about the call stack and points out where things have gone wrong. At the end of a stack trace, you can always find the exact exception type and a detailed message of what's gone wrong.

1 Answers

The Stacktrace is the trace of the methods call stack, exactly as it is in the memory of the computer that is executing your program. So most recents method calls are at the top; and likely the root of the problem is at the top as well. Virtually all programming languages do it this way.

The Traceback is something Python has "invented": it's the reversed of the above. So, to find the root of your problem, you need to start reading it from the bottom, as this is apparently easier to read to pythonists. To make it clear, they have had to specify "most recent call last".

Calling "stacktrace" a "traceback" is simply wrong: a traceback is not a trace of a stack. It's a stacktrace reversed: and the "back" probably means so.

At the top of a stack, in every meaning, you have the most recent item.

like image 192
Luigi R. Viggiano Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 16:10

Luigi R. Viggiano