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Whats the difference between flush and commit in Hibernate?



Whats the difference between flush and commit in Hibernate?

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gnreddy Avatar asked Jul 02 '12 04:07


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What is difference between flush and commit in Hibernate?

You need to flush in batch processing otherwise it may give OutOfMemoryException. Commit(); Commit will make the database commit. When you have a persisted object and you change a value on it, it becomes dirty and hibernate needs to flush these changes to your persistence layer.

What is the difference between flush and commit?

commit() commits (persists) those changes to the database. flush() is always called as part of a call to commit() (1). When you use a Session object to query the database, the query will return results both from the database and from the flushed parts of the uncommitted transaction it holds.

What is flush in Hibernate?

Flushing is the process of synchronizing the state of the persistence context with the underlying database. The EntityManager and the Hibernate Session expose a set of methods, through which the application developer can change the persistent state of an entity.

What is commit in Hibernate?

Commit will make the database commit. The changes to persistent object will be written to database. Flushing is the process of synchronizing the underlying persistent store with persistant state held in memory.

2 Answers

The process of synchronizing the JDBC connection's state with the state of objects held in memory is called flush.

This occurs at the following points depending on the FlushMode set:

  • before some query executions when FlushMode.AUTO (This is the default).
  • from org.hibernate.Transaction.commit() when FlushMode.COMMIT
  • from Session.flush()

The key difference is that when FlushMode is set to COMMIT, commit() flushes the session and also ends the unit of work and you cannot rollback the transaction where as flush() does just a normal sync of the session.


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Ravi Kadaboina Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 17:10

Ravi Kadaboina

From Hibernate docs:

Flushing is the process of synchronizing the underlying persistent store with persistable state held in memory.

Well, the above statement is confusing for some folks who may be getting next question (e.g. then what's the difference between flush and commit) in mind after reading the above statement.

Flush is like actually executing the statement but not committing it. For example: you open any SQL execution tool (like Oracle SQL Developer or some other), open a session and fire update statement. Open new SQL session and you won't see updates until or unless you do a commit in the first session. So the query got executed in particular Oracle session but not committed.

When you call Hibernate's save() or update(), it does not mean the underlying query gets executed at the same time. It generally executes when commit is done either explicitly or at the end of transaction. But there are scenarios (like to get an ID assigned to a transient object, to control the size of Hibernate session like in batch updates otherwise you can get out of memory exception) where you would like to execute the query, but not committing it. Flush helps here.

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M Sach Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10

M Sach