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What's the difference between Findbugs-IDEA plugin and QAPlug - Findbugs plugin in IntellijJ IDEA

When I browse repos on intellij plugins, I see

  • FindBugs - IDEA plugin
  • QAPlug - Findbugs plugin

For now I installed QAPlug, since it integrates with PMD, Checkstyle etc. But I was curious to know what's the differences between those two.

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Somaiah Kumbera Avatar asked Dec 10 '14 10:12

Somaiah Kumbera

People also ask

How do I run QAPlug FindBugs in IntelliJ?

QAPlug-FindBugs To start, you click the main Analyze menu and select Analyze Code. You are presented with a standard IntelliJ dialog asking about the scope of the analysis. You can choose to analyze the whole project, specific files or folders, or one of IntelliJ's pre-defined scopes.

How do I run a PMD in IntelliJ?

The user can run pmd on a single or set of files/folders and see the results in intelliJ. To run the predefined rulesets, go to Tools -> PMD -> PreDefined menu. PMD supports custom ruleset file, to configure goto settings -> PMD and add the rule set files that are required.

2 Answers

A website I found helpful is https://code.google.com/p/findbugs/wiki/IntellijFindBugsPlugins. It has a graph showing the difference between the three findbugs plugins that are commonly found in IntelliJ IDEA and walks the reader through some settings of each of them.

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Ansel Faillace Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Ansel Faillace

Findbugs-IDEA seems to have a lot more features than QAPlugs - Findbugs. One such feature is background scanning, which I find very helpful.

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neu242 Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 01:10
