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What's the difference between "Distribution" and "Release" build configurations?

They both sound like the same thing. Distribution == Release, somehow. Having a hard time figuring out what the difference is.

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dontWatchMyProfile Avatar asked Dec 05 '11 02:12


People also ask

What is difference between debug and Release build?

Debug Mode: When we are developing the application. Release Mode: When we are going to production mode or deploying the application to the server. Debug Mode: The debug mode code is not optimized. Release Mode: The release mode code is optimized.

What are debug and Release build configurations?

A Debug configuration supports the debugging of an app, and a Release configuration builds a version of the app that can be deployed.

What is release build?

A release build uses optimizations. When you use optimizations to create a release build, the compiler will not produce symbolic debugging information.

What is debug and Release mode in Visual Studio?

Visual Studio projects have separate release and debug configurations for your program. You build the debug version for debugging and the release version for the final release distribution. In debug configuration, your program compiles with full symbolic debug information and no optimization.

1 Answers

In my projects they're the same thing, but it really depends on the programmer and the build settings they want to put into each target.

For one programmer, "Release" might be an ADHOC build meant for internal testing while "Distribution" means a Store build.

Or maybe a different programmer would do the opposite "Release" is for the Store build and "Distribution" is for ADHOC.

Another thing... I usually see both "Release" and "Distribution" choices when I create fresh apps from templates, but "Release" (as a target) was around long before "Distribution", which came in with iOS IIRC. Some apps I've worked on only have "Debug" and "Distribution", another project I have open right now only has "Debug" & "Release". So YMMV.

Oh, and here is a related question.

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Michael Dautermann Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 09:10

Michael Dautermann