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What's the default scope for a bean created by a @Produces method without a scope annotation?

I've got a method with a @Produces annotation that creates an Apple.

When I use it with @ApplicationScoped like this

public class AppleProducer {
    public Apple createApple() {
        return new Apple();

then the Apple gets created only once for the whole application.

When I use it with @RequestScoped like this

public class AppleProducer {
    public Apple createApple() {
        return new Apple();

then it gets created for every request.

But what if I do not specify a scope?

public class AppleProducer {
    public Apple createApple() {
        return new Apple();

How often will the Apple be created? I suspect on every access, is it correct? Is there documentation about this?

like image 843
Harold L. Brown Avatar asked Mar 15 '17 12:03

Harold L. Brown

People also ask

What is the default scope of the beans?

The default scope for the bean is a singleton, like the example below, in which we haven't explicitly given a scope. Singleton means that the Spring container creates only one instance of the bean, and cached in memory, and all the requests for that bean will return a shared reference to the same bean.

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singleton - only one instance of the spring bean will be created for the spring container. This is the default spring bean scope.

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What is bean scope in Spring using annotation?

When a spring bean is scoped as a prototype, the Spring IoC container creates new bean instance every time when a request is made for that bean. We can define the scope of a bean as prototype using scope="prototype" attribute of element or using @Scope(value = ConfigurableBeanFactory. SCOPE_PROTOTYPE) annotation.

2 Answers

It's @Dependent.

According to "2.4.4. Default scope" from the CDI (1.2) specification:

When no scope is explicitly declared by annotating the bean class or producer method or field the scope of a bean is defaulted.

The default scope for a bean which does not explicitly declare a scope depends upon its declared stereotypes:

• If the bean does not declare any stereotype with a declared default scope, the default scope for the bean is @Dependent.

• If all stereotypes declared by the bean that have some declared default scope have the same default scope, then that scope is the default scope for the bean.

• If there are two different stereotypes declared by the bean that declare different default scopes, then there is no default scope and the bean must explicitly declare a scope. If it does not explicitly declare a scope, the container automatically detects the problem and treats it as a definition error.

If a bean explicitly declares a scope, any default scopes declared by stereotypes are ignored.

like image 177
Svetlin Zarev Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10

Svetlin Zarev

As you do not define any Scope, your produced bean will be @Dependent by defaut.

It means that lifecycle of the produced bean will be the lifecycle of the bean which in which it is injected (contains the @Inject).

So if you have the following producer :

public class AppleProducer {
    public Apple createApple() {
        return new Apple();

If you Inject an Apple in an @ApplicationScoped Pie Bean :

public class Pie {

    private Apple apple;

Then the Apple bean will be @ApplicationScoped, so created just one time.

If Pie bean is @RequestScoped then the Apple bean will be created at each request.

like image 31
Rouliboy Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10
