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What's the best way to write some semaphore-like code in Haskell?

Suppose I have a function f which takes an integer argument. f may not terminate on some arguments, but its result is equally valuable. (For concreteness, the argument could be the seed to a random number generator, which is passed to a SAT solver.)

I want to use concurrency and invoke f 1, f 2, f 3, etc., and return when the first one finishes. So, each thread should be running code that looks like

comp <- start_proc (f 1)
wait(comp || anyDone) -- wait for _either_ of these signals to be true
if comp then
    set anyDone = True

What's the easiest way to do this? The AMB operator comes to mind, but I'd need to run all processes simultaneously (e.g. on a 24- or 80-core machine). (Distributed computing solutions would be even better.) A superficial look at the AMB wiki page suggests it may not support non-terminating processes?


Currently, I'm not getting the answers to work with what I want. I think this is probably more of an issue with how I'm creating processes than anything else.


runProc (x:xs) =
    createProcess (proc x xs) >>= \(_, _, _, h) -> waitForProcess h

Then, I want to race runProc ["zsh", "-c", "sleep 3"] and runProc ["ls"]. I modified Thomas' answer a little, but it didn't work.

raceL :: [IO α] -> IO α
raceL ops = do
    mv <- newEmptyMVar
    tids <- forM ops (\op -> forkIO (op >>= putMVar mv))
    answer <- takeMVar mv
    mapM_ killThread tids
    return answer

Compiling with -threaded and running with +RTS -N (I have a 4-core machine) doesn't seem to help.

like image 709
gatoatigrado Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 19:12


2 Answers

Why not just an MVar and forkIO?

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad

main = do
  mv <- newEmptyMVar
  [nrThreads] <- liftM (map read) getArgs
  tids <- replicateM nrThreads (forkIO $ operation mv)
  answer <- takeMVar mv
  mapM_ killThread tids

operation :: MVar Int -> IO ()
operation mv = putMVar mv 5

This will fork nrThreads light weight threads. Once one thread has finished it should place the answer in the provided MVar. All other threads will then be killed by the main thread. No explicit polling is needed as the GHC RTS will reschedule main once the MVar becomes non-empty.

like image 85
Thomas M. DuBuisson Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 14:12

Thomas M. DuBuisson

Instead of amb, consider unamb! It provides a handful of nice primitives for racing computations, both pure and impure. For example:

Prelude Data.Unamb> unamb (last [1..]) 32
Prelude Data.Unamb> race (threadDelay 5000000 >> return 3) readLn
Prelude Data.Unamb Control.Concurrent> race (threadDelay 5000000 >> return 3) readLn
Prelude Data.Unamb Control.Concurrent> race (threadDelay 5000000 >> return 3) readLn
like image 26
Daniel Wagner Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 13:12

Daniel Wagner