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Whats the best way to start using Mylyn? [closed]


I've heard a lot of good things about using Mylyn in eclipse.

How could I set it up to give me a taste of how I could use it?

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Craig Angus Avatar asked Sep 29 '08 20:09

Craig Angus

2 Answers

The seminal Developerworks article from the 2.0 release is a great introduction to Mylyn, and still relevant. Written by the Mik Kirsten who is the Mylyn project lead, it is a very clear explanation of something quite unique. Lots of pretty pictures showing it in action too.

  • Mylyn Part one - Integrated Task Management
  • Mylyn Part two - Automated Context Management
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serg10 Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10


Simple define tasks for yourself and let Mylyn focus on it. I'm not able to use the bugtracking connections of Mylyn because we use a non-standard tracking solution at work (home grown and awfull), but the fast task-context switching with Mylyn is very usefull in daily work. I work as senior developer so many times come orthers to ask something about their part of the code. I have a task for this interrupts, activate it and after they've gone i could simple swith back to my work.

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laszlot Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 08:10
