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What's the best way to open source data (rather than code)? [closed]

As part of a recent programming project I compiled a database, the contents of which may conceivably be of use to someone else one day. I'm looking for the best way to 'open source' the data.

I could (and probably will) upload the SQL onto GitHub, but was wondering if anyone had found a more 'data-centric' way of sharing - maybe a website that makes it easy for users to browse/query/visualise/improve data sets, rather than just giving them a big lump of SQL.

To clarify, I'm looking for a place where I can share the data, rather than a format in which to share it - ideally a data-set equivalent of GitHub/Sourceforge.

The data is relatively small (a few thousand lines of SQL) so the volume should not be an obstacle.

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codebox Avatar asked Dec 24 '11 16:12


People also ask

Which is better closed source or open source?

With closed source software (also known as proprietary software), the public is not given access to the source code, so they can't see or modify it in any way. But with open source software, the source code is publicly available to anyone who wants it, and programmers can read or change that code if they desire.

Can open source be closed?

Yes, it is possible to make an open source project into a closed source project. The copyright holder can change the license of a project at any time, or cease to distribute source code of new releases. New releases can therefore be made closed source.

Why open source is best?

"Open source makes it possible for developers to engage in ways that wouldn't be possible otherwise," he said. "With open source, developers can report an issue, write the code, and solve a problem on their own, which is much harder to do in a proprietary system."

Is open source code better?

Open source code is often higher quality. A piece of software created by a team of developers can be lower quality than that developed by thousands of developers from all over the world with experience in different technologies, industries, and projects.

2 Answers

I'm a big fan of Amazon's S3 for stuff like this. And if your data set is interesting enough, maybe you could publish it with InfoChimps.

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Jason Sundram Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09

Jason Sundram

I have worked with a lot of data from different companies. Most often this data has been in text delimited data format. The most popular of course being comma separated or tab. Using comma's is often a good choice because MySQL can also export and import CSV. Here is an example:

id, first_name, last_name, address
1, John, Smith, 11222 Stree Name
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Amir Raminfar Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 01:09

Amir Raminfar