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Opensource alternative to mobiscroll [closed]

I am following a tutorial found here:


however when it comes to adding the iPhone like scroll wheels for selecting date/time the suggested "mobiscroll" has a hefty license fee.


I was hoping someone new of an opensource alternative that would offer similar functionality.

it is primarily for aesthetics as this date/time picker is intended to be accessed primarily across mobile devices.

like image 882
Otis Wright Avatar asked Aug 15 '13 23:08

Otis Wright

1 Answers

The core of mobiscroll is open source, as per their FAQ page. Looking on the code their, it looks pretty complete.

The mobiscroll core is open source, and you can build your own custom scrollers with it. The easiest way to get started with mobiscroll development is through our GitHub page.

like image 189
Fitzchak Yitzchaki Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Fitzchak Yitzchaki