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What's the best way to iterate over two or more containers simultaneously

People also ask

Which type of loop is most effective to iterate over a list?

Using an iterator, or using a foreach loop (which internally uses an iterator), guarantees that the most appropriate way of iterating is used, because the iterator knows about how the list is implemented and how best go from one element to the next.

Which is used to iterate over container in C++?

Explanation: Associated iterator type is used to iterate over container.

Can you iterate over sets?

There is no way to iterate over a set without an iterator, apart from accessing the underlying structure that holds the data through reflection, and replicating the code provided by Set#iterator...

Rather late to the party. But: I would iterate over indices. But not with the classical for loop but instead with a range-based for loop over the indices:

for(unsigned i : indices(containerA)) {
    containerA[i] = containerB[i];

indices is a simple wrapper function which returns a (lazily evaluated) range for the indices. Since the implementation – though simple – is a bit too long to post it here, you can find an implementation on GitHub.

This code is as efficient as using a manual, classical for loop.

If this pattern occurs often in your data, consider using another pattern which zips two sequences and produces a range of tuples, corresponding to the paired elements:

for (auto& [a, b] : zip(containerA, containerB)) {
    a = b;

The implementation of zip is left as an exercise for the reader, but it follows easily from the implementation of indices.

(Before C++17 you’d have to write the following instead:)

for (auto items&& : zip(containerA, containerB))
    get<0>(items) = get<1>(items);

For your specific example, just use

std::copy_n(contB.begin(), contA.size(), contA.begin())

For the more general case, you can use Boost.Iterator's zip_iterator, with a small function to make it usable in range-based for loops. For most cases, this will work:

template<class... Conts>
auto zip_range(Conts&... conts)
  -> decltype(boost::make_iterator_range(
  return {boost::make_zip_iterator(boost::make_tuple(conts.begin()...)),

// ...
for(auto&& t : zip_range(contA, contB))
  std::cout << t.get<0>() << " : " << t.get<1>() << "\n";

Live example.

However, for full-blown genericity, you probably want something more like this, which will work correctly for arrays and user-defined types that don't have member begin()/end() but do have begin/end functions in their namespace. Also, this will allow the user to specifically get const access through the zip_c... functions.

And if you're an advocate of nice error messages, like me, then you probably want this, which checks if any temporary containers were passed to any of the zip_... functions, and prints a nice error message if so.

i wonder why no one mentioned this:

auto itA = vectorA.begin();
auto itB = vectorB.begin();

while(itA != vectorA.end() || itB != vectorB.end())
    if(itA != vectorA.end())
    if(itB != vectorB.end())

PS: if the container sizes don't match, then you may need to put each container specific code into its corresponding if block.

There are a lot of ways to do specific things with multiple containers as provided in the algorithm header. For instance, in the example you've given, you could use std::copy instead of an explicit for loop.

On the other hand, there isn't any built-in way to generically iterate multiple containers other than a normal for loop. This isn't surprising because there are a lot of ways to iterate. Think about it: you could iterate through one container with one step, one container with another step; or through one container until it gets to the end then start inserting while you go through to the end of the other container; or one step of the first container for every time you completely go through the other container then start over; or some other pattern; or more than two containers at a time; etc ...

However, if you wanted to make your own "for_each" style function that iterates through two containers only up to the length of the shortest one, you could do something like this:

template <typename Container1, typename Container2>
void custom_for_each(
  Container1 &c1,
  Container2 &c2,
  std::function<void(Container1::iterator &it1, Container2::iterator &it2)> f)
  Container1::iterator begin1 = c1.begin();
  Container2::iterator begin2 = c2.begin();
  Container1::iterator end1 = c1.end();
  Container2::iterator end2 = c2.end();
  Container1::iterator i1;
  Container2::iterator i2;
  for (i1 = begin1, i2 = begin2; (i1 != end1) && (i2 != end2); ++it1, ++i2) {
    f(i1, i2);

Obviously you can make any kind of iterations strategy you want in a similar way.

Of course, you might argue that just doing the inner for loop directly is easier than writing a custom function like this ... and you'd be right, if you are only going to do it one or two times. But the nice thing is that this is very reusable. =)

In case when you need to iterate simultaneously over 2 containers only, there is an extended version of standard for_each algorithm in boost range library, e.g:

#include <vector>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm_ext/for_each.hpp>

void foo(int a, int& b)
    b = a + 1;

int main()
    std::vector<int> contA = boost::assign::list_of(4)(3)(5)(2);
    std::vector<int> contB(contA.size(), 0);

    boost::for_each(contA, contB, boost::bind(&foo, _1, _2));
    // contB will be now 5,4,6,3
    return 0;

When you need to handle more than 2 containers in one algorithm, then you need to play with zip.

another solution could be capturing a reference of the iterator of the other container in a lambda and using post increment operator on that. for example simple copy would be:

vector<double> a{1, 2, 3};
vector<double> b(3);

auto ita = a.begin();
for_each(b.begin(), b.end(), [&ita](auto &itb) { itb = *ita++; })

inside lambda you can do whatever with ita and then increment it. This easily extends to the multiple containers case.