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What's the best HTML WYSISYG editor available to web developers and why? [closed]


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Is there a Wysiwyg HTML editor?

There are many WYSIWYG HTML editors with a variety of features and capabilities. You can choose a website builder, a CMS that includes a WYSIWIG editor, or an external editor. This range of choices can make it hard to pick the best solution for your business.

What is a WYSIWYG editor and why should we learn HTML without them?

First of all, a wysiwyg editor is an illustrative editor for those who want to make Web pages quickly and effectively without needing knowledge in HTML. Well first of all, they aren't that effective at all, all editors alike are restricted to what it can do – wysiwyg editors don't have every feature built in.

There are many different flavored HTML WYSIWYG editors from javascript to ASP.Net web controls, but all too often the features are the same. Does anyone have a favorite HTML editor they like to use in projects? Why?