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Whats are some real time data sources?

I'm working on a demo on real-time visualization and I'm trying to think out of the box. Looks like any big data real-time demo is on twitter or traffic data. Are there any other options out there that publish real-time data (for free)?


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webber Avatar asked Mar 20 '14 13:03


People also ask

What are examples of real-time data?

Healthcare: Wearable devices are an example of real-time analytics which can track a human's health statistics. For example, real-time data provides information like a person's heartbeat, and these immediate updates can be used to save lives and even predict ailments in advance.

Which data is referred to as real-time data?

Real-time data (RTD) is information that is delivered immediately after collection. There is no delay in the timeliness of the information provided. Real-time data is often used for navigation or tracking.

What is a real-time data platform?

A real-time analytics platform enables organizations to make the most out of real-time data by helping them to extract the valuable information and trends from it. Such platforms help in measuring data from the business point of view in real time, further making the best use of data.

1 Answers

Just some thoughts:

Environmental Datasets

As stated by the other comment, have a look to weather, forecast (or similar services).

Space data

What about data from the Universe?


Here's some real time flight tracking data: the evaluation plan is limited but free.

Social Networks

Twitter Streaming API, Facebook RealTime Updates API (in case you hyave already an app on the social Network), Foursquare

Energy production

Various energy production (real-time and quasi real-time) data.
On these ones probably you have to fiddle around the pages to track the sources of the data, sorry.

Website traffic

Google Analytics RealTime API (for your registered websites)


Bitcoin transactions, Stock Market API


And here and here an "not-so-updated" list of other Real-Time API services (some free, some others not).

like image 129
MarcoL Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 03:10
