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What's a Good Resource for Learning XNA? [closed]



I've been considering experimenting with game development and XNA. I'm already an expert C/C++ programmer. I read through some C# books, but haven't done any development in C# yet.

What's a good resource for learning XNA, from the point of view of someone who's already an expert programmer?

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user14834 Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 09:12


1 Answers

I'll second reimers and the creators.xna.com samples as a good way to get a handle on how to quickly whip things up.

On the other side of the spectrum, I highly recommend Nick Gravelyn's Tile Engine tutorials. It's a different approach, as the entire series is presented in video. It seems like a great place for beginners to get started, though new coders might have a bit of trouble with his pace. Having said that, the section on the Content Pipeline (which is an XNA-specific implementation of the pipeline concept) is a good introduction.

Ziggyware also has a good selection of tutorials, some of which are more advanced.

Shawn Hargreaves, one of the XNA's devs, has a great blog that let's you in on the internals of XNA a little more. Check out the archive if there's a topic that interests you in particular.

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bkane Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 10:12
