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What would the Autofac equivalent to this Ninject code be?

On the following page: http://www.asp.net/signalr/overview/signalr-20/extensibility/dependency-injection

Near the bottom (just below the text "RegisterHubs.Start") there is a piece of Ninject code that I am trying to reproduce using Autofac.

So far I have succeeded in giving myself a headache, but not much else. I have scoured the Autofac wiki, and the web for some help. Though, I am sure I probably missed some tidbit of information.

Update: Here is the relevant Ninject code on the page.

public static class RegisterHubs
    public static void Start()
        var kernel = new StandardKernel();
        var resolver = new NinjectSignalRDependencyResolver(kernel);


        kernel.Bind<IHubConnectionContext>().ToMethod(context =>

        var config = new HubConfiguration()
            Resolver = resolver


Update 2: Thought I would also add the objects trying to be composed.

public class StockTickerHub : Hub
    private readonly IStockTicker _stockTicker;

    public StockTickerHub(IStockTicker stockTicker) { }

public class StockTicker
    public StockTicker(IHubConnectionContext clients) { }
like image 323
Obscured Avatar asked Dec 11 '13 01:12


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1 Answers

Autofac does not have an equivalent of the WhenInjectedInto method. However, you could accomplish the same using named parameters.

Try something like this

using Autofac.Integration.SignalR;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.StockTicker;

public static class RegisterHubs
    public static void Start() 
        var builder = new ContainerBuilder();


        builder.Register(c => GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.Resolve<IConnectionManager>().GetHubContext<StockTickerHub>().Clients)

        var container = builder.Build();

        var resolver = new AutofacDependencyResolver(container);

        var config = new HubConfiguration { Resolver = resolver };


Note: The AutofacDependencyResolver comes from Autofac.Integration.SignalR.

Update: Ah, I missed a tiny detail from the linked page; the factory function for the IHubConnectionContext is using the resolver to get the IConnectionManager, and not the container itself (of course the container won't know about a IConnectionManager). I switched to use the default dependency resolver (GlobalHost.DependencyResolver) to get the IConnectionManager instead. That should work.

like image 158
khellang Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 07:10
