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What would be the proper way to update animation values in a Flutter animation?

So I'm trying to create an animation in Flutter that requires a different outcome every time the user presses a button.

I've implemented the following code according to the Flutter Animations tutorial and created a function to update it.

class _RoulettePageWidgetState extends State<RoulettePageWidget>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
   Animation<double> _animation;
   Tween<double> _tween;
   AnimationController _animationController;

   int position = 0;

   void initState() {
      _animationController =
          AnimationController(duration: Duration(seconds: 2), vsync: this);
      _tween = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: 100.0);
      _animation = _tween.animate(_animationController)
          ..addListener(() {
              setState(() {});

   void setNewPosition(int newPosition) {
      _tween = Tween(
        begin: 0.0,
        end: math.pi*2/25*newPosition);

   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return Container(
         child: Column(
            children: <Widget>[
                  child: Transform.rotate(
                     angle: _animationController.value,
                     child: Icon(
                     size: 250.0,
                  child: Container(),
                  child: Text('SPIN'),
                  onPressed: () {
                     setState(() {

As you can see I'm updating the _tween's begin: and end: but this doesn't seem to change the animation.

So what should I be doing to create a 'different' animation every time the users presses the button?

The general idea is to make the animations build upon each other with a random new value so for example:

  • first spin: 0 -> 10
  • second spin: 10 -> 13
  • third spin: 13 -> 18
  • ... etc

So I wondered if I could update the animation, or should I create a new animation every time? Another thing I could think of was tracking the positions and use the same animation every time (0.0 -> 100.0) to act as a percentage of the transfer.

So instead of creating a new animation from 10 -> 15 I would be doing something like: currentValue = 10 + (15-10)/100*_animationController.value

like image 229
SEG.Veenstra Avatar asked Nov 10 '18 20:11


1 Answers

I'm going to skip your code a bit, and focus on what you're really asking:

The general idea is to make the animations build upon each other with a random new value so for example:

  • first spin: 0 -> 10

  • second spin: 10 -> 13

  • third spin: 13 -> 18

  • ... etc

With an explicit animation like this, there are three objects you are interested in:

  • a controller, which is a special kind of Animation that simply generates values linearly from its lower to its upper bound (both doubles, typically 0.0 and 1.0). You can control the flow of the animation - send it running forward, reverse it, stop it, or reset it.

  • a tween, which isn't an Animation but rather an Animatable. A tween defines the interpolation between two values, which don't even have to be numbers. It implements a transform method under the hood that takes in the current value of an animation and spits out the actual value you want to work with: another number, a color, a linear gradient, even a whole widget. This is what you should use to generate your angles of rotation.

  • an animation, which is the animation whose value you're actually going to work with (so this is where you'd grab values to build with). You get this by giving your tween a parent Animation to transform - this might be your controller directly but can also be some other sort of animation you've built on it (like a CurvedAnimation, which would give you easing or bouncy/elastic curves and so on). Flutter's animations are highly composable that way.

Your code is failing largely because you're not actually using the top-level animation you created in your build method and you're creating a new tween and animation every time you call setNewPosition. You can use the same tween and animation for multiple animation "cycles" - simply change the begin and end properties of the existing tween and it bubbles up to the animation. That ends up something like this:

class _RoulettePageWidgetState extends State<RoulettePageWidget>
with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
   Animation<double> _animation;
   Tween<double> _tween;
   AnimationController _animationController;
   math.Random _random = math.Random();

   int position = 0;

   double getRandomAngle() {
      return math.pi * 2 / 25 * _random.nextInt(25);

   void initState() {
      _animationController =
          AnimationController(duration: Duration(seconds: 2), vsync: this);
      _tween = Tween(begin: 0.0, end: getRandomAngle());
      _animation = _tween.animate(_animationController)
          ..addListener(() {
              setState(() {});

   void setNewPosition() {
      _tween.begin = _tween.end;
      _tween.end = getRandomAngle();

   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return Container(
         child: Column(
            children: <Widget>[
                  child: Transform.rotate(
                     angle: _animation.value,
                     child: Icon(
                     size: 250.0,
                  child: Container(),
                  child: Text('SPIN'),
                  onPressed: setNewPosition,

Hope that helps!

like image 187
filleduchaos Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
