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What workaround to pass an instance variable to the super constructor?

Ok, so this is not allowed:

public class ServiceError extends RuntimeException {

    private final UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();

    public ServiceError(...) {
        super("{" + uuid.toString() + "} " + ...); // error on reference to uuid

But how can I do what I want? There is no Exception.setMessage, so I can't change the message after the super constructor has been completed, I need to pass the UUID in the constructor.

like image 751
Bart van Heukelom Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 09:12

Bart van Heukelom

1 Answers

I would do this:

public class ServiceError extends RuntimeException {

    private final UUID uuid;

    public ServiceError() {

    private ServiceError(UUID uuid) {
        super("{" + uuid.toString() + "} " + ...);
        this.uuid = uuid;

Basically this is just a matter of changing where the UUID.randomUUID() call is made, and using a constructor parameter both to construct the superconstructor argument and to save the value to the field afterwards.

like image 157
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 22:04

Jon Skeet