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What version of Crystal Reports uses 13.0.2000?

I'm been tasked with making some small changes to an ASP.NET Web Forms app written some years ago, whose implementer is no longer with us and left some years back.

There's 6 reports in this app, all of which use some version of Crystal Reports. When I look at the Web.Config file I see things like CrystalDecisions.Shared, Version=13.0.2000.0 and CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engineer, Version=13.0.2000.0.

What version of Crystal is that? If it's Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010, can I install that onto my PC to use it with VS 2013? I don't have VS 2010 nor do we have access to it.

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Rod Avatar asked Jun 15 '15 22:06


People also ask

What version of Crystal Reports uses 13.0 2000?

13.0. 2000.0 is the assembly version.

What version is Crystal Reports 2011?

SAP acquired BusinessObjects on October 8, 2007, and released Crystal Reports 2011 (version 14) on May 3, 2011. The latest version released is Crystal Reports 2020 (14.3.

2 Answers

You can find those files here: http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-7824

It works with versions of Visual Studio from 2010 to 2015. The file versions are different for each service pack, but the reference version is still 13.0.2000.0.

like image 135
jjj Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10


13.0.2000.0 is the assembly version. You'd see this in the GAC.

You need to make sure you download the correct CR version. You can use VS2013, you need to refer to this You basically need SP 9 upwards update. As mentioned in other answer this link should help. 32 bit version available at: http://downloads.businessobjects.com/akdlm/cr4vs2010/CRforVS_redist_install_32bit_13_0_14.zip

64 bit version available at: http://downloads.businessobjects.com/akdlm/cr4vs2010/CRforVS_redist_install_64bit_13_0_14.zip

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aMazing Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10
