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Is there any way to convert .dll file to .cs files [duplicate]

Is there any way to convert .dll file to .cs files? I am searching for any tool or online website what can convert .dll file into .cs files. If any one have any info please inform Thanks in advance.

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Arnab Kundu Avatar asked Dec 08 '16 12:12

Arnab Kundu

People also ask

How are DLL files created C#?

To create a DLL File, click on New project, then select Class Library. Enter your code into the class file that was automatically created for you and then click Build Solution from the Debug menu. P.S. DLL files cannot be run just like normal applciation (exe) files.

Can you convert a DLL file?

Drag and drop your dll file on . NET reflector. You can see the list of languages on the dropdown box. Select the technology that you want to convert into and select the framework which is next to the language.

Can you decompile a DLL?

Such a DLL is compiled to machine language and can only be directly decompiled to assembly language. So, again, it depends on the language used. And the answer might be that it's just not possible to get anything resembling the original source code. Then, as stated, if it's Visual Basic, research p-code decompilers.

Can we convert DLL to source code?

You can get your source code from DLL, this process is know as Reverse engineering for that you can use Disassembler like Ildasm. you can surely decompile managed code dll or exe to il using ildasm or other tools.

1 Answers

No, in general, that's not possible (in any compiled language).

You can decompile binaries for .NET into CIL (Common Intermediate Language), which is an object-oriented assembly language. Various .NET languages (C#, F#, Visual Basic, etc.) are compiled into the bytecode, which is then being executed by the .NET virtual machine rather than by the processor.

Thanks to that the .NET bytecode is platform independent, it can be executed on any platform for which the .NET virtual machine exists without the recompilation.

You can decompile the .NET binaries into CIL using for example these free decompilers:

  • ILSpy (standalone or as a Visual Studio extension)
  • JetBrains' dotPeek
  • Telerik's JustDecompile

dotPeek has a feature to decompile any .NET binary into equivalent C# code, but it's not same as the original C# code.

like image 140
David Ferenczy Rogožan Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09

David Ferenczy Rogožan