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What technology should I use to write my game? [closed]



I have a great idea for a 3D network game, and I've concluded that it is possible to write it in Java as an applet which will live under the web browser, just like a full software in C++. And it will look and feel the same.

The main advantage of Java on C++ is that with Java you can play without downloading any software. I have already thought about the download of the graphics, sound, etc but I found a solution for it. RuneScape just proves that it is possible.

So my first question is, should my game live on a web browser or on the operating system? I think that in a web browser it is much more portable, although you need install Java and stuff. But the fact is, that most MMO games are currently not in the web. If you suggest in a software so please suggest a language either - C++ or something more productive like Python or C#?

So after choosing a language, I need a graphics solution. Should I write directly with OpenGL/DirectX or use a game engine? What game engine should I use? Ogre? jMonkeyEngine?

What's your opinion?

Thank you!

P.S: Please don't use answers like "Use what you know".

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Alon Gubkin Avatar asked Apr 25 '10 18:04

Alon Gubkin

1 Answers

Despite your last point, use whatever you can, and what will provide the biggest user base possible.

Applets are old, and no longer used as extensively as they used to. Flash or Silverlight are the "standard" for web games now. It may be worth checking out JavaFX based your interest in using Java, it's supposedly a replacement for what applets should have been. I've not actually used JavaFX, nor do I hear much about it, take that as you wish. The biggest benefit of deploying to the web is as you've said, the user base is larger and people are more likely to give your game a play. The downside is that you end up using the likes of Flash or equivalent for the development process.

If you go down the route of building a standalone application, you can use whatever you want. C++, Java, C#, Python and so on are all viable options. You can make games in most languages. C++ is the industry standard but ignore this fact. You can make amazing looking and performing games in any language if you are a hobbyist developer. What I'm trying to say is that unless you are building the next big hit, using C++ can be avoided. In contrast to web applications, your users will require a framework/API that you use. For example, they'll need OpenGL/DirectX/XNA and so forth. As for XNA vs DirectX vs OpenGL? It matters not, your language choice will most likely dictate your choice of graphics API/Framework. So I'll leave this point up to yourself for research.

As for should you use an engine? It depends.

  • Are you making a game which is complex enough to warrant an engine?
  • Do you wish to just focus on the game, rather than the engine?
  • Do you feel comfortable learning an existing engine?
  • Do you feel comfortable producing the required components (collision etc..) on your own?

Other factors come into this, but it may be worth just focusing on the game at hand. You can easily write a simple enough engine for what you require. By doing this, you'll avoid licensing and deployment issues.

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Finglas Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 07:01
