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What Swing look and feel should I use for a Java desktop application?

I am developing a Java desktop application and I use Swing to build the GUI. I realize that I can change the look of my app by setting different L&Fs.

The JRE (from SUN) provides me at least two L&Fs, one is the default Metal L&F and the other is the "System" L&F which let my app have a native look. Also I can find some really cool L&Fs on the internet.

The question is: which L&F should I use for my desktop app? Someone said the native look will be more user friendly, is that true? If I use the system L&F, should I make different versions of my user handbook (since the UI will change according to the OS)?

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waiting Avatar asked May 14 '10 01:05


2 Answers

Unless you're trying for a completely custom look for your app, I'd recommend the System L&F. It does make your application a little easier to use by making it similar in appearance to other applications on the platform, which the user will presumably be familiar with.

I'd definitely stay away from the Metal L&F. Nothing screams "Java in the late 90's" like that ugly gray chrome. (Unless that retro look is actually what you're going for.)

If you have enough users on different systems to warrant testing the UI on those systems, it wouldn't hurt to grab the screen shots for your user manual on multiple systems either. If you're making a print copy you might want to just show the most common platform, but electronic copies could be customized for each OS you've tested for.

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Bill the Lizard Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Bill the Lizard

I guess you don't mean to find the best look and feel, you are inclined to use the system look and feel but don't want to invest more workload on documentation for all platforms.

Actually you can pick a decent look and feel, like nimbus or something else as the default skin, and allow your users to choose the "skin" in the preference settings. Thus your document can just include the screenshots for the default skin.

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Charles Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
