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what so special about a use of goto in a chain of if else

I was watching a video of Alexandrescu's, he has the following code snippet:

 // an example implementation of a single threaded shared_ptr
 ~SingleThreadPtr() { 
    if(!c_) {
       soSueMe: delete p_;
    } else if(--*c_ == 0) {
       delete c_;
       goto soSueMe;

This is here https://youtu.be/Qq_WaiwzOtI?t=36m44s. He says, "I use my famous 'goto soSueMe' construct", and says "try to write this without goto and [..] you'll see it is difficult".

What is so difficult here? Isn't the following the same, and obviously not difficult, and more readible:

 // an example implementation of a single threaded shared_ptr
 ~SingleThreadPtr() { 
    if(!c_) {
       delete p_;
    } else if(--*c_ == 0) {
       delete c_;
       delete p_;

or is that not even the same (thereby reinforcing the arguments against goto in the first place)? What sort of hacker's black magic voodoo going on here?

like image 724
Nick Avatar asked Mar 01 '16 20:03


1 Answers

The point here is that shared_ptr destructors are called relatively often, and generally inline, and this is an attempt to reduce the inlined destructor size (as a goto is much smaller than a delete call).

For example, the destructor call delete p_ when compiled may look something like:

    movq    -16(%rbp), %rax         ## 8-byte Reload
    movq    (%rax), %rcx
    cmpq    $0, %rcx
    movq    %rcx, -24(%rbp)         ## 8-byte Spill
    je  LBB5_4
    movq    -24(%rbp), %rax         ## 8-byte Reload
    movq    %rax, %rdi
    callq   __ZdlPv                 

(where the callq __ZdlPv is the underlying object destructor finally being called).

Whereas the goto looks simply like this:

    jmp LBB5_2

Thus, by branching rather than repeating the delete p_ statement, codesize is significantly reduced.

This accompanying presentation may prove useful reading (although terse).

like image 187
donkopotamus Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 20:10
