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What R package or code can be used to build custom-made GUIs?

I am looking to create GUI that takes in a few inputs from the user (for example gender, age, and race as clickable categories), then assigns a user ID to each input (which would be displayed as the output in the GUI). Under the hood would be a dataset that the GUI is creating with this user input (In this example, it would be 4 variables: user ID, gender, age, and race).

Has anyone created a GUI like this before? Any R package or code recommendations?


like image 877
Captain Murphy Avatar asked Nov 04 '11 18:11

Captain Murphy

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Can you make GUI with R?

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Open a new project in RStudio. Go to the 'File' menu and click on 'New Project. ' Then select 'New Directory,' and 'R Package' to create a new R package.

What is under the hood of a GUI?

Under the hood would be a dataset that the GUI is creating with this user input (In this example, it would be 4 variables: user ID, gender, age, and race). Has anyone created a GUI like this before? Any R package or code recommendations?

What tools do you use to test your R packages?

devtools - An essential suite of tools for turning your code into an R package. testthat - testthat provides an easy way to write unit tests for your code projects. roxygen2 - A quick way to document your R packages. roxygen2 turns inline code comments into documentation pages and builds a package namespace.

Should I use RStudio to create code?

If you are going to create code and put it into production, it’s always a good idea to create a package with version control, examples, and other features. Plus, with RStudio, it is easy to do. So, we will use a simple example with one small function to show how easy it is.

What is the best way to develop R packages?

For R and package development in particular, your IDE is RStudio. Use it. The R package that will help you develop R Packages is devtools. Install this package and use it as outlined in Wickham’s R Packages. But you already know this because you already read R Packages like I suggested! Lastly, you must use version control.

1 Answers

There are lots of ways to do this. Here is one using the add-on package gWidgets. Should work with either RGtk2 or tcltk backends.

items <- data.frame(id=numeric(0), gender=character(0), age=numeric(0), race=character(0), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
genders <- c("Male", "Female")
race <- c("Black", "Hispanic", "Other")

w <- gwindow("Capn's GUI", visible=FALSE)
g <- ggroup(cont=w, horizontal=FALSE)
lyt <- glayout(cont=g)
lyt[1,1] <- "Gender:"
lyt[1,2] <- gradio(genders, cont=lyt)

lyt[2,1] <- "Age:"
lyt[2,2] <- gedit("40", coerce.with=as.numeric, cont=lyt)

lyt[3,1] <- "Race:"
lyt[3,2] <- gcombobox(race, selected=0L, cont=lyt)

lyt[4,2] <- gbutton("Add", cont=lyt, handler=function(h,...) {
  vals <- lapply(lyt[1:3, 2], svalue)
  id <- nrow(items) + 1                 # or roll your own
  items[id, ] <<- c(id, vals)
  tbl[] <- items
tbl <- gtable(items, cont=g)

visible(w) <- TRUE
like image 74
jverzani Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10
